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ASN AS396982


JavaScript libraries
Tag managers
UI frameworks
Web servers


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

CVE-2022-31629 In PHP versions before 7.4.31, 8.0.24 and 8.1.11, the vulnerability enables network and same-site attackers to set a standard insecure cookie in the victim's browser which is treated as a `__Host-` or `__Secure-` cookie by PHP applications.
CVE-2022-31628 In PHP versions before 7.4.31, 8.0.24 and 8.1.11, the phar uncompressor code would recursively uncompress "quines" gzip files, resulting in an infinite loop.
CVE-2020-7656 4.3jquery prior to 1.9.0 allows Cross-site Scripting attacks via the load method. The load method fails to recognize and remove "<script>" HTML tags that contain a whitespace character, i.e: "</script >", which results in the enclosed script logic to be executed.
CVE-2020-11579 5.0An issue was discovered in Chadha PHPKB 9.0 Enterprise Edition. installer/test-connection.php (part of the installation process) allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to disclose local files on hosts running PHP before 7.2.16, or on hosts where the MySQL ALLOW LOCAL DATA INFILE option is enabled.
CVE-2020-11023 4.3In jQuery versions greater than or equal to 1.0.3 and before 3.5.0, passing HTML containing <option> elements from untrusted sources - even after sanitizing it - to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e. .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code. This problem is patched in jQuery 3.5.0.
CVE-2020-11022 4.3In jQuery versions greater than or equal to 1.2 and before 3.5.0, passing HTML from untrusted sources - even after sanitizing it - to one of jQuery's DOM manipulation methods (i.e. .html(), .append(), and others) may execute untrusted code. This problem is patched in jQuery 3.5.0.
CVE-2019-9641 7.5An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF.
CVE-2019-9639 5.0An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE because of mishandling the data_len variable.
CVE-2019-9638 5.0An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE because of mishandling the maker_note->offset relationship to value_len.
CVE-2019-9637 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. Due to the way rename() across filesystems is implemented, it is possible that file being renamed is briefly available with wrong permissions while the rename is ongoing, thus enabling unauthorized users to access the data.
CVE-2019-11358 4.3jQuery before 3.4.0, as used in Drupal, Backdrop CMS, and other products, mishandles jQuery.extend(true, {}, ...) because of Object.prototype pollution. If an unsanitized source object contained an enumerable __proto__ property, it could extend the native Object.prototype.
CVE-2018-19396 5.0ext/standard/var_unserializer.c in PHP 5.x through 7.1.24 allows attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via an unserialize call for the com, dotnet, or variant class.
CVE-2018-19395 5.0ext/standard/var.c in PHP 5.x through 7.1.24 on Windows allows attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) because com and com_safearray_proxy return NULL in com_properties_get in ext/com_dotnet/com_handlers.c, as demonstrated by a serialize call on COM("WScript.Shell").
CVE-2017-8923 7.5The zend_string_extend function in Zend/zend_string.h in PHP through 7.1.5 does not prevent changes to string objects that result in a negative length, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact by leveraging a script's use of .= with a long string.
CVE-2017-7963 5.0The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP) interfaces for PHP through 7.1.4 allow attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption and application crash) via operations on long strings. NOTE: the vendor disputes this, stating "There is no security issue here, because GMP safely aborts in case of an OOM condition. The only attack vector here is denial of service. However, if you allow attacker-controlled, unbounded allocations you have a DoS vector regardless of GMP's OOM behavior.
CVE-2017-7272 5.8PHP through 7.1.11 enables potential SSRF in applications that accept an fsockopen or pfsockopen hostname argument with an expectation that the port number is constrained. Because a :port syntax is recognized, fsockopen will use the port number that is specified in the hostname argument, instead of the port number in the second argument of the function.
CVE-2015-9253 6.8An issue was discovered in PHP 7.3.x before 7.3.0alpha3, 7.2.x before 7.2.8, and before 7.1.20. The php-fpm master process restarts a child process in an endless loop when using program execution functions (e.g., passthru, exec, shell_exec, or system) with a non-blocking STDIN stream, causing this master process to consume 100% of the CPU, and consume disk space with a large volume of error logs, as demonstrated by an attack by a customer of a shared-hosting facility.
CVE-2015-9251 4.3jQuery before 3.0.0 is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks when a cross-domain Ajax request is performed without the dataType option, causing text/javascript responses to be executed.
CVE-2013-2220 7.5Buffer overflow in the radius_get_vendor_attr function in the Radius extension before 1.2.7 for PHP allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a large Vendor Specific Attributes (VSA) length value.
CVE-2012-6708 4.3jQuery before 1.9.0 is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks. The jQuery(strInput) function does not differentiate selectors from HTML in a reliable fashion. In vulnerable versions, jQuery determined whether the input was HTML by looking for the '<' character anywhere in the string, giving attackers more flexibility when attempting to construct a malicious payload. In fixed versions, jQuery only deems the input to be HTML if it explicitly starts with the '<' character, limiting exploitability only to attackers who can control the beginning of a string, which is far less common.
CVE-2011-4969 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in jQuery before 1.6.3, when using location.hash to select elements, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted tag.
CVE-2007-3205 5.0The parse_str function in (1) PHP, (2) Hardened-PHP, and (3) Suhosin, when called without a second parameter, might allow remote attackers to overwrite arbitrary variables by specifying variable names and values in the string to be parsed. NOTE: it is not clear whether this is a design limitation of the function or a bug in PHP, although it is likely to be regarded as a bug in Hardened-PHP and Suhosin.


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