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Last Seen: 2024-06-01


Hostnames 23-95-14-229-host.colocrossing.com
Domains colocrossing.com 
Country United States
City Buffalo
Organization RackNerd LLC
ISP HostPapa
ASN AS36352
Operating System Ubuntu


JavaScript graphics
Programming languages
Search engines
UI frameworks


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

CVE-2023-46674 An issue was identified that allowed the unsafe deserialization of java objects from hadoop or spark configuration properties that could have been modified by authenticated users. Elastic would like to thank Yakov Shafranovich, with Amazon Web Services for reporting this issue.
CVE-2023-46673 It was identified that malformed scripts used in the script processor of an Ingest Pipeline could cause an Elasticsearch node to crash when calling the Simulate Pipeline API.
CVE-2023-31419 A flaw was discovered in Elasticsearch, affecting the _search API that allowed a specially crafted query string to cause a Stack Overflow and ultimately a Denial of Service.
CVE-2023-31418 An issue has been identified with how Elasticsearch handled incoming requests on the HTTP layer. An unauthenticated user could force an Elasticsearch node to exit with an OutOfMemory error by sending a moderate number of malformed HTTP requests. The issue was identified by Elastic Engineering and we have no indication that the issue is known or that it is being exploited in the wild.
CVE-2023-31417 Elasticsearch generally filters out sensitive information and credentials before logging to the audit log. It was found that this filtering was not applied when requests to Elasticsearch use certain deprecated URIs for APIs. The impact of this flaw is that sensitive information such as passwords and tokens might be printed in cleartext in Elasticsearch audit logs. Note that audit logging is disabled by default and needs to be explicitly enabled and even when audit logging is enabled, request bodies that could contain sensitive information are not printed to the audit log unless explicitly configured.
CVE-2021-22144 4.0In Elasticsearch versions before 7.13.3 and 6.8.17 an uncontrolled recursion vulnerability that could lead to a denial of service attack was identified in the Elasticsearch Grok parser. A user with the ability to submit arbitrary queries to Elasticsearch could create a malicious Grok query that will crash the Elasticsearch node.
CVE-2021-22134 4.0A document disclosure flaw was found in Elasticsearch versions after 7.6.0 and before 7.11.0 when Document or Field Level Security is used. Get requests do not properly apply security permissions when executing a query against a recently updated document. This affects documents that have been updated and not yet refreshed in the index. This could result in the search disclosing the existence of documents and fields the attacker should not be able to view.
CVE-2021-22132 2.1Elasticsearch versions 7.7.0 to 7.10.1 contain an information disclosure flaw in the async search API. Users who execute an async search will improperly store the HTTP headers. An Elasticsearch user with the ability to read the .tasks index could obtain sensitive request headers of other users in the cluster. This issue is fixed in Elasticsearch 7.10.2
CVE-2020-7021 4.0Elasticsearch versions before 7.10.0 and 6.8.14 have an information disclosure issue when audit logging and the emit_request_body option is enabled. The Elasticsearch audit log could contain sensitive information such as password hashes or authentication tokens. This could allow an Elasticsearch administrator to view these details.


1688385716 | 2024-06-01T19:26:33.775082
22 / tcp
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5601 / tcp
-1079298274 | 2024-06-01T09:15:02.796425
9200 / tcp
-335378066 | 2024-05-19T04:48:49.778636
9300 / tcp

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