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Last Seen: 2024-06-03


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Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

CVE-2023-45802 When a HTTP/2 stream was reset (RST frame) by a client, there was a time window were the request's memory resources were not reclaimed immediately. Instead, de-allocation was deferred to connection close. A client could send new requests and resets, keeping the connection busy and open and causing the memory footprint to keep on growing. On connection close, all resources were reclaimed, but the process might run out of memory before that. This was found by the reporter during testing of CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Exploit) with their own test client. During "normal" HTTP/2 use, the probability to hit this bug is very low. The kept memory would not become noticeable before the connection closes or times out. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.58, which fixes the issue.
CVE-2023-31122 Out-of-bounds Read vulnerability in mod_macro of Apache HTTP Server.This issue affects Apache HTTP Server: through 2.4.57.
CVE-2023-25690 Some mod_proxy configurations on Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.0 through 2.4.55 allow a HTTP Request Smuggling attack. Configurations are affected when mod_proxy is enabled along with some form of RewriteRule or ProxyPassMatch in which a non-specific pattern matches some portion of the user-supplied request-target (URL) data and is then re-inserted into the proxied request-target using variable substitution. For example, something like: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule "^/here/(.*)" "http://example.com:8080/elsewhere?$1"; [P] ProxyPassReverse /here/ http://example.com:8080/ Request splitting/smuggling could result in bypass of access controls in the proxy server, proxying unintended URLs to existing origin servers, and cache poisoning. Users are recommended to update to at least version 2.4.56 of Apache HTTP Server.
CVE-2022-37454 The Keccak XKCP SHA-3 reference implementation before fdc6fef has an integer overflow and resultant buffer overflow that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code or eliminate expected cryptographic properties. This occurs in the sponge function interface.
CVE-2022-37436 Prior to Apache HTTP Server 2.4.55, a malicious backend can cause the response headers to be truncated early, resulting in some headers being incorporated into the response body. If the later headers have any security purpose, they will not be interpreted by the client.
CVE-2022-36760 Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request Smuggling') vulnerability in mod_proxy_ajp of Apache HTTP Server allows an attacker to smuggle requests to the AJP server it forwards requests to. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server 2.4 version 2.4.54 and prior versions.
CVE-2022-31813 7.5Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier may not send the X-Forwarded-* headers to the origin server based on client side Connection header hop-by-hop mechanism. This may be used to bypass IP based authentication on the origin server/application.
CVE-2022-31629 In PHP versions before 7.4.31, 8.0.24 and 8.1.11, the vulnerability enables network and same-site attackers to set a standard insecure cookie in the victim's browser which is treated as a `__Host-` or `__Secure-` cookie by PHP applications.
CVE-2022-31628 In PHP versions before 7.4.31, 8.0.24 and 8.1.11, the phar uncompressor code would recursively uncompress "quines" gzip files, resulting in an infinite loop.
CVE-2022-30556 5.0Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier may return lengths to applications calling r:wsread() that point past the end of the storage allocated for the buffer.
CVE-2022-29404 5.0In Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier, a malicious request to a lua script that calls r:parsebody(0) may cause a denial of service due to no default limit on possible input size.
CVE-2022-28615 6.4Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier may crash or disclose information due to a read beyond bounds in ap_strcmp_match() when provided with an extremely large input buffer. While no code distributed with the server can be coerced into such a call, third-party modules or lua scripts that use ap_strcmp_match() may hypothetically be affected.
CVE-2022-28614 5.0The ap_rwrite() function in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier may read unintended memory if an attacker can cause the server to reflect very large input using ap_rwrite() or ap_rputs(), such as with mod_luas r:puts() function. Modules compiled and distributed separately from Apache HTTP Server that use the 'ap_rputs' function and may pass it a very large (INT_MAX or larger) string must be compiled against current headers to resolve the issue.
CVE-2022-28330 5.0Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier on Windows may read beyond bounds when configured to process requests with the mod_isapi module.
CVE-2022-26377 5.0Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests ('HTTP Request Smuggling') vulnerability in mod_proxy_ajp of Apache HTTP Server allows an attacker to smuggle requests to the AJP server it forwards requests to. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server Apache HTTP Server 2.4 version 2.4.53 and prior versions.
CVE-2022-23943 7.5Out-of-bounds Write vulnerability in mod_sed of Apache HTTP Server allows an attacker to overwrite heap memory with possibly attacker provided data. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4 version 2.4.52 and prior versions.
CVE-2022-22721 5.8If LimitXMLRequestBody is set to allow request bodies larger than 350MB (defaults to 1M) on 32 bit systems an integer overflow happens which later causes out of bounds writes. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.52 and earlier.
CVE-2022-22720 7.5Apache HTTP Server 2.4.52 and earlier fails to close inbound connection when errors are encountered discarding the request body, exposing the server to HTTP Request Smuggling
CVE-2022-22719 5.0A carefully crafted request body can cause a read to a random memory area which could cause the process to crash. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.52 and earlier.
CVE-2021-44790 7.5A carefully crafted request body can cause a buffer overflow in the mod_lua multipart parser (r:parsebody() called from Lua scripts). The Apache httpd team is not aware of an exploit for the vulnerabilty though it might be possible to craft one. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.51 and earlier.
CVE-2021-44224 6.4A crafted URI sent to httpd configured as a forward proxy (ProxyRequests on) can cause a crash (NULL pointer dereference) or, for configurations mixing forward and reverse proxy declarations, can allow for requests to be directed to a declared Unix Domain Socket endpoint (Server Side Request Forgery). This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.7 up to 2.4.51 (included).
CVE-2021-40438 6.8A crafted request uri-path can cause mod_proxy to forward the request to an origin server choosen by the remote user. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.48 and earlier.
CVE-2021-39275 7.5ap_escape_quotes() may write beyond the end of a buffer when given malicious input. No included modules pass untrusted data to these functions, but third-party / external modules may. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.48 and earlier.
CVE-2021-34798 5.0Malformed requests may cause the server to dereference a NULL pointer. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.48 and earlier.
CVE-2021-33193 5.0A crafted method sent through HTTP/2 will bypass validation and be forwarded by mod_proxy, which can lead to request splitting or cache poisoning. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.17 to 2.4.48.
CVE-2021-32792 4.3mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. In mod_auth_openidc before version 2.4.9, there is an XSS vulnerability in when using `OIDCPreservePost On`.
CVE-2021-32791 4.3mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. In mod_auth_openidc before version 2.4.9, the AES GCM encryption in mod_auth_openidc uses a static IV and AAD. It is important to fix because this creates a static nonce and since aes-gcm is a stream cipher, this can lead to known cryptographic issues, since the same key is being reused. From 2.4.9 onwards this has been patched to use dynamic values through usage of cjose AES encryption routines.
CVE-2021-32786 5.8mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. In versions prior to 2.4.9, `oidc_validate_redirect_url()` does not parse URLs the same way as most browsers do. As a result, this function can be bypassed and leads to an Open Redirect vulnerability in the logout functionality. This bug has been fixed in version 2.4.9 by replacing any backslash of the URL to redirect with slashes to address a particular breaking change between the different specifications (RFC2396 / RFC3986 and WHATWG). As a workaround, this vulnerability can be mitigated by configuring `mod_auth_openidc` to only allow redirection whose destination matches a given regular expression.
CVE-2021-32785 4.3mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. When mod_auth_openidc versions prior to 2.4.9 are configured to use an unencrypted Redis cache (`OIDCCacheEncrypt off`, `OIDCSessionType server-cache`, `OIDCCacheType redis`), `mod_auth_openidc` wrongly performed argument interpolation before passing Redis requests to `hiredis`, which would perform it again and lead to an uncontrolled format string bug. Initial assessment shows that this bug does not appear to allow gaining arbitrary code execution, but can reliably provoke a denial of service by repeatedly crashing the Apache workers. This bug has been corrected in version 2.4.9 by performing argument interpolation only once, using the `hiredis` API. As a workaround, this vulnerability can be mitigated by setting `OIDCCacheEncrypt` to `on`, as cache keys are cryptographically hashed before use when this option is enabled.
CVE-2021-26691 7.5In Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.46 a specially crafted SessionHeader sent by an origin server could cause a heap overflow
CVE-2021-26690 5.0Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.46 A specially crafted Cookie header handled by mod_session can cause a NULL pointer dereference and crash, leading to a possible Denial Of Service
CVE-2020-9490 5.0Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.20 to 2.4.43. A specially crafted value for the 'Cache-Digest' header in a HTTP/2 request would result in a crash when the server actually tries to HTTP/2 PUSH a resource afterwards. Configuring the HTTP/2 feature via "H2Push off" will mitigate this vulnerability for unpatched servers.
CVE-2020-7070 5.0In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.34, 7.3.x below 7.3.23 and 7.4.x below 7.4.11, when PHP is processing incoming HTTP cookie values, the cookie names are url-decoded. This may lead to cookies with prefixes like __Host confused with cookies that decode to such prefix, thus leading to an attacker being able to forge cookie which is supposed to be secure. See also CVE-2020-8184 for more information.
CVE-2020-7069 6.4In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.34, 7.3.x below 7.3.23 and 7.4.x below 7.4.11, when AES-CCM mode is used with openssl_encrypt() function with 12 bytes IV, only first 7 bytes of the IV is actually used. This can lead to both decreased security and incorrect encryption data.
CVE-2020-7068 3.3In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.33, 7.3.x below 7.3.21 and 7.4.x below 7.4.9, while processing PHAR files using phar extension, phar_parse_zipfile could be tricked into accessing freed memory, which could lead to a crash or information disclosure.
CVE-2020-7067 5.0In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.30, 7.3.x below 7.3.17 and 7.4.x below 7.4.5, if PHP is compiled with EBCDIC support (uncommon), urldecode() function can be made to access locations past the allocated memory, due to erroneously using signed numbers as array indexes.
CVE-2020-7066 4.3In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.29, 7.3.x below 7.3.16 and 7.4.x below 7.4.4, while using get_headers() with user-supplied URL, if the URL contains zero (\0) character, the URL will be silently truncated at it. This may cause some software to make incorrect assumptions about the target of the get_headers() and possibly send some information to a wrong server.
CVE-2020-7064 5.8In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.9, 7.3.x below 7.3.16 and 7.4.x below 7.4.4, while parsing EXIF data with exif_read_data() function, it is possible for malicious data to cause PHP to read one byte of uninitialized memory. This could potentially lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2020-7063 5.0In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.28, 7.3.x below 7.3.15 and 7.4.x below 7.4.3, when creating PHAR archive using PharData::buildFromIterator() function, the files are added with default permissions (0666, or all access) even if the original files on the filesystem were with more restrictive permissions. This may result in files having more lax permissions than intended when such archive is extracted.
CVE-2020-7062 4.3In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.28, 7.3.x below 7.3.15 and 7.4.x below 7.4.3, when using file upload functionality, if upload progress tracking is enabled, but session.upload_progress.cleanup is set to 0 (disabled), and the file upload fails, the upload procedure would try to clean up data that does not exist and encounter null pointer dereference, which would likely lead to a crash.
CVE-2020-7061 6.4In PHP versions 7.3.x below 7.3.15 and 7.4.x below 7.4.3, while extracting PHAR files on Windows using phar extension, certain content inside PHAR file could lead to one-byte read past the allocated buffer. This could potentially lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2020-7060 6.4When using certain mbstring functions to convert multibyte encodings, in PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.27, 7.3.x below 7.3.14 and 7.4.x below 7.4.2 it is possible to supply data that will cause function mbfl_filt_conv_big5_wchar to read past the allocated buffer. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2020-7059 6.4When using fgetss() function to read data with stripping tags, in PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.27, 7.3.x below 7.3.14 and 7.4.x below 7.4.2 it is possible to supply data that will cause this function to read past the allocated buffer. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2020-35452 6.8Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.46 A specially crafted Digest nonce can cause a stack overflow in mod_auth_digest. There is no report of this overflow being exploitable, nor the Apache HTTP Server team could create one, though some particular compiler and/or compilation option might make it possible, with limited consequences anyway due to the size (a single byte) and the value (zero byte) of the overflow
CVE-2020-1934 5.0In Apache HTTP Server 2.4.0 to 2.4.41, mod_proxy_ftp may use uninitialized memory when proxying to a malicious FTP server.
CVE-2020-1927 5.8In Apache HTTP Server 2.4.0 to 2.4.41, redirects configured with mod_rewrite that were intended to be self-referential might be fooled by encoded newlines and redirect instead to an an unexpected URL within the request URL.
CVE-2020-13938 2.1Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.0 to 2.4.46 Unprivileged local users can stop httpd on Windows
CVE-2020-11993 4.3Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.20 to 2.4.43 When trace/debug was enabled for the HTTP/2 module and on certain traffic edge patterns, logging statements were made on the wrong connection, causing concurrent use of memory pools. Configuring the LogLevel of mod_http2 above "info" will mitigate this vulnerability for unpatched servers.
CVE-2020-11579 5.0An issue was discovered in Chadha PHPKB 9.0 Enterprise Edition. installer/test-connection.php (part of the installation process) allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to disclose local files on hosts running PHP before 7.2.16, or on hosts where the MySQL ALLOW LOCAL DATA INFILE option is enabled.
CVE-2019-9641 7.5An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF.
CVE-2019-9640 5.0An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an Invalid Read in exif_process_SOFn.
CVE-2019-9639 5.0An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE because of mishandling the data_len variable.
CVE-2019-9638 5.0An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE because of mishandling the maker_note->offset relationship to value_len.
CVE-2019-9637 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. Due to the way rename() across filesystems is implemented, it is possible that file being renamed is briefly available with wrong permissions while the rename is ongoing, thus enabling unauthorized users to access the data.
CVE-2019-9517 7.8Some HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to unconstrained interal data buffering, potentially leading to a denial of service. The attacker opens the HTTP/2 window so the peer can send without constraint; however, they leave the TCP window closed so the peer cannot actually write (many of) the bytes on the wire. The attacker then sends a stream of requests for a large response object. Depending on how the servers queue the responses, this can consume excess memory, CPU, or both.
CVE-2019-9024 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1. xmlrpc_decode() can allow a hostile XMLRPC server to cause PHP to read memory outside of allocated areas in base64_decode_xmlrpc in ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c.
CVE-2019-9023 7.5An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1. A number of heap-based buffer over-read instances are present in mbstring regular expression functions when supplied with invalid multibyte data. These occur in ext/mbstring/oniguruma/regcomp.c, ext/mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c, ext/mbstring/oniguruma/regparse.c, ext/mbstring/oniguruma/enc/unicode.c, and ext/mbstring/oniguruma/src/utf32_be.c when a multibyte regular expression pattern contains invalid multibyte sequences.
CVE-2019-9022 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.2. dns_get_record misparses a DNS response, which can allow a hostile DNS server to cause PHP to misuse memcpy, leading to read operations going past the buffer allocated for DNS data. This affects php_parserr in ext/standard/dns.c for DNS_CAA and DNS_ANY queries.
CVE-2019-9021 7.5An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1. A heap-based buffer over-read in PHAR reading functions in the PHAR extension may allow an attacker to read allocated or unallocated memory past the actual data when trying to parse the file name, a different vulnerability than CVE-2018-20783. This is related to phar_detect_phar_fname_ext in ext/phar/phar.c.
CVE-2019-9020 7.5An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1. Invalid input to the function xmlrpc_decode() can lead to an invalid memory access (heap out of bounds read or read after free). This is related to xml_elem_parse_buf in ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xml_element.c.
CVE-2019-6977 6.8gdImageColorMatch in gd_color_match.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka LibGD) 2.2.5, as used in the imagecolormatch function in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1, has a heap-based buffer overflow. This can be exploited by an attacker who is able to trigger imagecolormatch calls with crafted image data.
CVE-2019-17567 5.0Apache HTTP Server versions 2.4.6 to 2.4.46 mod_proxy_wstunnel configured on an URL that is not necessarily Upgraded by the origin server was tunneling the whole connection regardless, thus allowing for subsequent requests on the same connection to pass through with no HTTP validation, authentication or authorization possibly configured.
CVE-2019-13224 7.5A use-after-free in onig_new_deluxe() in regext.c in Oniguruma 6.9.2 allows attackers to potentially cause information disclosure, denial of service, or possibly code execution by providing a crafted regular expression. The attacker provides a pair of a regex pattern and a string, with a multi-byte encoding that gets handled by onig_new_deluxe(). Oniguruma issues often affect Ruby, as well as common optional libraries for PHP and Rust.
CVE-2019-11050 6.4When PHP EXIF extension is parsing EXIF information from an image, e.g. via exif_read_data() function, in PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.26, 7.3.x below 7.3.13 and 7.4.0 it is possible to supply it with data what will cause it to read past the allocated buffer. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2019-11048 5.0In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.31, 7.3.x below 7.3.18 and 7.4.x below 7.4.6, when HTTP file uploads are allowed, supplying overly long filenames or field names could lead PHP engine to try to allocate oversized memory storage, hit the memory limit and stop processing the request, without cleaning up temporary files created by upload request. This potentially could lead to accumulation of uncleaned temporary files exhausting the disk space on the target server.
CVE-2019-11047 6.4When PHP EXIF extension is parsing EXIF information from an image, e.g. via exif_read_data() function, in PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.26, 7.3.x below 7.3.13 and 7.4.0 it is possible to supply it with data what will cause it to read past the allocated buffer. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2019-11046 5.0In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.26, 7.3.x below 7.3.13 and 7.4.0, PHP bcmath extension functions on some systems, including Windows, can be tricked into reading beyond the allocated space by supplying it with string containing characters that are identified as numeric by the OS but aren't ASCII numbers. This can read to disclosure of the content of some memory locations.
CVE-2019-11045 4.3In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.26, 7.3.x below 7.3.13 and 7.4.0, PHP DirectoryIterator class accepts filenames with embedded \0 byte and treats them as terminating at that byte. This could lead to security vulnerabilities, e.g. in applications checking paths that the code is allowed to access.
CVE-2019-11044 5.0In PHP versions 7.2.x below 7.2.26, 7.3.x below 7.3.13 and 7.4.0 on Windows, PHP link() function accepts filenames with embedded \0 byte and treats them as terminating at that byte. This could lead to security vulnerabilities, e.g. in applications checking paths that the code is allowed to access.
CVE-2019-11043 7.5In PHP versions 7.1.x below 7.1.33, 7.2.x below 7.2.24 and 7.3.x below 7.3.11 in certain configurations of FPM setup it is possible to cause FPM module to write past allocated buffers into the space reserved for FCGI protocol data, thus opening the possibility of remote code execution.
CVE-2019-11042 5.8When PHP EXIF extension is parsing EXIF information from an image, e.g. via exif_read_data() function, in PHP versions 7.1.x below 7.1.31, 7.2.x below 7.2.21 and 7.3.x below 7.3.8 it is possible to supply it with data what will cause it to read past the allocated buffer. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2019-11041 5.8When PHP EXIF extension is parsing EXIF information from an image, e.g. via exif_read_data() function, in PHP versions 7.1.x below 7.1.31, 7.2.x below 7.2.21 and 7.3.x below 7.3.8 it is possible to supply it with data what will cause it to read past the allocated buffer. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2019-11040 6.4When PHP EXIF extension is parsing EXIF information from an image, e.g. via exif_read_data() function, in PHP versions 7.1.x below 7.1.30, 7.2.x below 7.2.19 and 7.3.x below 7.3.6 it is possible to supply it with data what will cause it to read past the allocated buffer. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2019-11039 6.4Function iconv_mime_decode_headers() in PHP versions 7.1.x below 7.1.30, 7.2.x below 7.2.19 and 7.3.x below 7.3.6 may perform out-of-buffer read due to integer overflow when parsing MIME headers. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2019-11038 5.0When using the gdImageCreateFromXbm() function in the GD Graphics Library (aka LibGD) 2.2.5, as used in the PHP GD extension in PHP versions 7.1.x below 7.1.30, 7.2.x below 7.2.19 and 7.3.x below 7.3.6, it is possible to supply data that will cause the function to use the value of uninitialized variable. This may lead to disclosing contents of the stack that has been left there by previous code.
CVE-2019-11036 6.4When processing certain files, PHP EXIF extension in versions 7.1.x below 7.1.29, 7.2.x below 7.2.18 and 7.3.x below 7.3.5 can be caused to read past allocated buffer in exif_process_IFD_TAG function. This may lead to information disclosure or crash.
CVE-2019-10098 5.8In Apache HTTP server 2.4.0 to 2.4.39, Redirects configured with mod_rewrite that were intended to be self-referential might be fooled by encoded newlines and redirect instead to an unexpected URL within the request URL.
CVE-2019-10092 4.3In Apache HTTP Server 2.4.0-2.4.39, a limited cross-site scripting issue was reported affecting the mod_proxy error page. An attacker could cause the link on the error page to be malformed and instead point to a page of their choice. This would only be exploitable where a server was set up with proxying enabled but was misconfigured in such a way that the Proxy Error page was displayed.
CVE-2019-10082 6.4In Apache HTTP Server 2.4.18-2.4.39, using fuzzed network input, the http/2 session handling could be made to read memory after being freed, during connection shutdown.
CVE-2019-10081 5.0HTTP/2 (2.4.20 through 2.4.39) very early pushes, for example configured with "H2PushResource", could lead to an overwrite of memory in the pushing request's pool, leading to crashes. The memory copied is that of the configured push link header values, not data supplied by the client.
CVE-2019-0220 5.0A vulnerability was found in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.0 to 2.4.38. When the path component of a request URL contains multiple consecutive slashes ('/'), directives such as LocationMatch and RewriteRule must account for duplicates in regular expressions while other aspects of the servers processing will implicitly collapse them.
CVE-2019-0217 6.0In Apache HTTP Server 2.4 release 2.4.38 and prior, a race condition in mod_auth_digest when running in a threaded server could allow a user with valid credentials to authenticate using another username, bypassing configured access control restrictions.
CVE-2019-0211 7.2In Apache HTTP Server 2.4 releases 2.4.17 to 2.4.38, with MPM event, worker or prefork, code executing in less-privileged child processes or threads (including scripts executed by an in-process scripting interpreter) could execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the parent process (usually root) by manipulating the scoreboard. Non-Unix systems are not affected.
CVE-2019-0196 5.0A vulnerability was found in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.17 to 2.4.38. Using fuzzed network input, the http/2 request handling could be made to access freed memory in string comparison when determining the method of a request and thus process the request incorrectly.
CVE-2018-7584 7.5In PHP through 5.6.33, 7.0.x before 7.0.28, 7.1.x through 7.1.14, and 7.2.x through 7.2.2, there is a stack-based buffer under-read while parsing an HTTP response in the php_stream_url_wrap_http_ex function in ext/standard/http_fopen_wrapper.c. This subsequently results in copying a large string.
CVE-2018-20783 5.0In PHP before 5.6.39, 7.x before 7.0.33, 7.1.x before 7.1.25, and 7.2.x before 7.2.13, a buffer over-read in PHAR reading functions may allow an attacker to read allocated or unallocated memory past the actual data when trying to parse a .phar file. This is related to phar_parse_pharfile in ext/phar/phar.c.
CVE-2018-19935 5.0ext/imap/php_imap.c in PHP 5.x and 7.x before 7.3.0 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via an empty string in the message argument to the imap_mail function.
CVE-2018-19518 8.5University of Washington IMAP Toolkit 2007f on UNIX, as used in imap_open() in PHP and other products, launches an rsh command (by means of the imap_rimap function in c-client/imap4r1.c and the tcp_aopen function in osdep/unix/tcp_unix.c) without preventing argument injection, which might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary OS commands if the IMAP server name is untrusted input (e.g., entered by a user of a web application) and if rsh has been replaced by a program with different argument semantics. For example, if rsh is a link to ssh (as seen on Debian and Ubuntu systems), then the attack can use an IMAP server name containing a "-oProxyCommand" argument.
CVE-2018-17199 5.0In Apache HTTP Server 2.4 release 2.4.37 and prior, mod_session checks the session expiry time before decoding the session. This causes session expiry time to be ignored for mod_session_cookie sessions since the expiry time is loaded when the session is decoded.
CVE-2018-17189 5.0In Apache HTTP server versions 2.4.37 and prior, by sending request bodies in a slow loris way to plain resources, the h2 stream for that request unnecessarily occupied a server thread cleaning up that incoming data. This affects only HTTP/2 (mod_http2) connections.
CVE-2018-17082 4.3The Apache2 component in PHP before 5.6.38, 7.0.x before 7.0.32, 7.1.x before 7.1.22, and 7.2.x before 7.2.10 allows XSS via the body of a "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" request, because the bucket brigade is mishandled in the php_handler function in sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c.
CVE-2018-15132 5.0An issue was discovered in ext/standard/link_win32.c in PHP before 5.6.37, 7.0.x before 7.0.31, 7.1.x before 7.1.20, and 7.2.x before 7.2.8. The linkinfo function on Windows doesn't implement the open_basedir check. This could be abused to find files on paths outside of the allowed directories.
CVE-2018-14883 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.37, 7.0.x before 7.0.31, 7.1.x before 7.1.20, and 7.2.x before 7.2.8. An Integer Overflow leads to a heap-based buffer over-read in exif_thumbnail_extract of exif.c.
CVE-2018-14851 4.3exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.6.37, 7.0.x before 7.0.31, 7.1.x before 7.1.20, and 7.2.x before 7.2.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a crafted JPEG file.
CVE-2018-1333 5.0By specially crafting HTTP/2 requests, workers would be allocated 60 seconds longer than necessary, leading to worker exhaustion and a denial of service. Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.34 (Affected 2.4.18-2.4.30,2.4.33).
CVE-2018-1312 6.8In Apache httpd 2.2.0 to 2.4.29, when generating an HTTP Digest authentication challenge, the nonce sent to prevent reply attacks was not correctly generated using a pseudo-random seed. In a cluster of servers using a common Digest authentication configuration, HTTP requests could be replayed across servers by an attacker without detection.
CVE-2018-1303 5.0A specially crafted HTTP request header could have crashed the Apache HTTP Server prior to version 2.4.30 due to an out of bound read while preparing data to be cached in shared memory. It could be used as a Denial of Service attack against users of mod_cache_socache. The vulnerability is considered as low risk since mod_cache_socache is not widely used, mod_cache_disk is not concerned by this vulnerability.
CVE-2018-1302 4.3When an HTTP/2 stream was destroyed after being handled, the Apache HTTP Server prior to version 2.4.30 could have written a NULL pointer potentially to an already freed memory. The memory pools maintained by the server make this vulnerability hard to trigger in usual configurations, the reporter and the team could not reproduce it outside debug builds, so it is classified as low risk.
CVE-2018-1301 4.3A specially crafted request could have crashed the Apache HTTP Server prior to version 2.4.30, due to an out of bound access after a size limit is reached by reading the HTTP header. This vulnerability is considered very hard if not impossible to trigger in non-debug mode (both log and build level), so it is classified as low risk for common server usage.
CVE-2018-12882 7.5exif_read_from_impl in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP 7.2.x through 7.2.7 allows attackers to trigger a use-after-free (in exif_read_from_file) because it closes a stream that it is not responsible for closing. The vulnerable code is reachable through the PHP exif_read_data function.
CVE-2018-1283 3.5In Apache httpd 2.4.0 to 2.4.29, when mod_session is configured to forward its session data to CGI applications (SessionEnv on, not the default), a remote user may influence their content by using a "Session" header. This comes from the "HTTP_SESSION" variable name used by mod_session to forward its data to CGIs, since the prefix "HTTP_" is also used by the Apache HTTP Server to pass HTTP header fields, per CGI specifications.
CVE-2018-11763 4.3In Apache HTTP Server 2.4.17 to 2.4.34, by sending continuous, large SETTINGS frames a client can occupy a connection, server thread and CPU time without any connection timeout coming to effect. This affects only HTTP/2 connections. A possible mitigation is to not enable the h2 protocol.
CVE-2018-10549 6.8An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. exif_read_data in ext/exif/exif.c has an out-of-bounds read for crafted JPEG data because exif_iif_add_value mishandles the case of a MakerNote that lacks a final '\0' character.
CVE-2018-10548 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. ext/ldap/ldap.c allows remote LDAP servers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) because of mishandling of the ldap_get_dn return value.
CVE-2018-10547 4.3An issue was discovered in ext/phar/phar_object.c in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. There is Reflected XSS on the PHAR 403 and 404 error pages via request data of a request for a .phar file. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2018-5712.
CVE-2018-10546 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. An infinite loop exists in ext/iconv/iconv.c because the iconv stream filter does not reject invalid multibyte sequences.
CVE-2018-10545 1.9An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.35, 7.0.x before 7.0.29, 7.1.x before 7.1.16, and 7.2.x before 7.2.4. Dumpable FPM child processes allow bypassing opcache access controls because fpm_unix.c makes a PR_SET_DUMPABLE prctl call, allowing one user (in a multiuser environment) to obtain sensitive information from the process memory of a second user's PHP applications by running gcore on the PID of the PHP-FPM worker process.
CVE-2017-8923 7.5The zend_string_extend function in Zend/zend_string.h in PHP through 7.1.5 does not prevent changes to string objects that result in a negative length, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact by leveraging a script's use of .= with a long string.
CVE-2017-15715 6.8In Apache httpd 2.4.0 to 2.4.29, the expression specified in <FilesMatch> could match '$' to a newline character in a malicious filename, rather than matching only the end of the filename. This could be exploited in environments where uploads of some files are are externally blocked, but only by matching the trailing portion of the filename.
CVE-2017-15710 5.0In Apache httpd 2.0.23 to 2.0.65, 2.2.0 to 2.2.34, and 2.4.0 to 2.4.29, mod_authnz_ldap, if configured with AuthLDAPCharsetConfig, uses the Accept-Language header value to lookup the right charset encoding when verifying the user's credentials. If the header value is not present in the charset conversion table, a fallback mechanism is used to truncate it to a two characters value to allow a quick retry (for example, 'en-US' is truncated to 'en'). A header value of less than two characters forces an out of bound write of one NUL byte to a memory location that is not part of the string. In the worst case, quite unlikely, the process would crash which could be used as a Denial of Service attack. In the more likely case, this memory is already reserved for future use and the issue has no effect at all.
CVE-2015-9253 6.8An issue was discovered in PHP 7.3.x before 7.3.0alpha3, 7.2.x before 7.2.8, and before 7.1.20. The php-fpm master process restarts a child process in an endless loop when using program execution functions (e.g., passthru, exec, shell_exec, or system) with a non-blocking STDIN stream, causing this master process to consume 100% of the CPU, and consume disk space with a large volume of error logs, as demonstrated by an attack by a customer of a shared-hosting facility.
CVE-2013-4365 7.5Heap-based buffer overflow in the fcgid_header_bucket_read function in fcgid_bucket.c in the mod_fcgid module before 2.3.9 for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to have an unspecified impact via unknown vectors.
CVE-2013-2765 5.0The ModSecurity module before 2.7.4 for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference, process crash, and disk consumption) via a POST request with a large body and a crafted Content-Type header.
CVE-2013-2220 7.5Buffer overflow in the radius_get_vendor_attr function in the Radius extension before 1.2.7 for PHP allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a large Vendor Specific Attributes (VSA) length value.
CVE-2013-0942 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in EMC RSA Authentication Agent 7.1 before 7.1.1 for Web for Internet Information Services, and 7.1 before 7.1.1 for Web for Apache, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-0941 2.1EMC RSA Authentication API before 8.1 SP1, RSA Web Agent before 5.3.5 for Apache Web Server, RSA Web Agent before 5.3.5 for IIS, RSA PAM Agent before 7.0, and RSA Agent before 6.1.4 for Microsoft Windows use an improper encryption algorithm and a weak key for maintaining the stored data of the node secret for the SecurID Authentication API, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information via cryptographic attacks on this data.
CVE-2012-4360 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the mod_pagespeed module through for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4001 5.0The mod_pagespeed module before for the Apache HTTP Server does not properly verify its host name, which allows remote attackers to trigger HTTP requests to arbitrary hosts via unspecified vectors, as demonstrated by requests to intranet servers.
CVE-2012-3526 5.0The reverse proxy add forward module (mod_rpaf) 0.5 and 0.6 for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (server or application crash) via multiple X-Forwarded-For headers in a request.
CVE-2011-2688 7.5SQL injection vulnerability in mysql/mysql-auth.pl in the mod_authnz_external module 3.2.5 and earlier for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the user field.
CVE-2011-1176 4.3The configuration merger in itk.c in the Steinar H. Gunderson mpm-itk Multi-Processing Module 2.2.11-01 and 2.2.11-02 for the Apache HTTP Server does not properly handle certain configuration sections that specify NiceValue but not AssignUserID, which might allow remote attackers to gain privileges by leveraging the root uid and root gid of an mpm-itk process.
CVE-2009-2299 5.0The Artofdefence Hyperguard Web Application Firewall (WAF) module before 2.5.5-11635, 3.0 before 3.0.3-11636, and 3.1 before 3.1.1-11637, a module for the Apache HTTP Server, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via an HTTP request with a large Content-Length value but no POST data.
CVE-2009-0796 2.6Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Status.pm in Apache::Status and Apache2::Status in mod_perl1 and mod_perl2 for the Apache HTTP Server, when /perl-status is accessible, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the URI.
CVE-2007-4723 7.5Directory traversal vulnerability in Ragnarok Online Control Panel 4.3.4a, when the Apache HTTP Server is used, allows remote attackers to bypass authentication via directory traversal sequences in a URI that ends with the name of a publicly available page, as demonstrated by a "/...../" sequence and an account_manage.php/login.php final component for reaching the protected account_manage.php page.
CVE-2007-3205 5.0The parse_str function in (1) PHP, (2) Hardened-PHP, and (3) Suhosin, when called without a second parameter, might allow remote attackers to overwrite arbitrary variables by specifying variable names and values in the string to be parsed. NOTE: it is not clear whether this is a design limitation of the function or a bug in PHP, although it is likely to be regarded as a bug in Hardened-PHP and Suhosin.
CVE-2006-20001 A carefully crafted If: request header can cause a memory read, or write of a single zero byte, in a pool (heap) memory location beyond the header value sent. This could cause the process to crash. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.54 and earlier.
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