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Last Seen: 2024-06-07


Hostnames server-1014144-1.youji-kyouiku-navi.com
Domains youji-kyouiku-navi.com 
Country Japan
City Tokyo
Organization DIX Co., Ltd.
ISP GMO GlobalSign Holdings K.K.
ASN AS131921


Hosting panels


Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.

CVE-2023-51767 OpenSSH through 9.6, when common types of DRAM are used, might allow row hammer attacks (for authentication bypass) because the integer value of authenticated in mm_answer_authpassword does not resist flips of a single bit. NOTE: this is applicable to a certain threat model of attacker-victim co-location in which the attacker has user privileges.
CVE-2023-51385 In ssh in OpenSSH before 9.6, OS command injection might occur if a user name or host name has shell metacharacters, and this name is referenced by an expansion token in certain situations. For example, an untrusted Git repository can have a submodule with shell metacharacters in a user name or host name.
CVE-2023-48795 The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such that some packets are omitted (from the extension negotiation message), and a client and server may consequently end up with a connection for which some security features have been downgraded or disabled, aka a Terrapin attack. This occurs because the SSH Binary Packet Protocol (BPP), implemented by these extensions, mishandles the handshake phase and mishandles use of sequence numbers. For example, there is an effective attack against SSH's use of ChaCha20-Poly1305 (and CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC). The bypass occurs in chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com and (if CBC is used) the -etm@openssh.com MAC algorithms. This also affects Maverick Synergy Java SSH API before 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT, Dropbear through 2022.83, Ssh before 5.1.1 in Erlang/OTP, PuTTY before 0.80, AsyncSSH before 2.14.2, golang.org/x/crypto before 0.17.0, libssh before 0.10.6, libssh2 through 1.11.0, Thorn Tech SFTP Gateway before 3.4.6, Tera Term before 5.1, Paramiko before 3.4.0, jsch before 0.2.15, SFTPGo before 2.5.6, Netgate pfSense Plus through 23.09.1, Netgate pfSense CE through 2.7.2, HPN-SSH through 18.2.0, ProFTPD before 1.3.8b (and before 1.3.9rc2), ORYX CycloneSSH before 2.3.4, NetSarang XShell 7 before Build 0144, CrushFTP before 10.6.0, ConnectBot SSH library before 2.2.22, Apache MINA sshd through 2.11.0, sshj through 0.37.0, TinySSH through 20230101, trilead-ssh2 6401, LANCOM LCOS and LANconfig, FileZilla before 3.66.4, Nova before 11.8, PKIX-SSH before 14.4, SecureCRT before 9.4.3, Transmit5 before 5.10.4, Win32-OpenSSH before, WinSCP before 6.2.2, Bitvise SSH Server before 9.32, Bitvise SSH Client before 9.33, KiTTY through, the net-ssh gem 7.2.0 for Ruby, the mscdex ssh2 module before 1.15.0 for Node.js, the thrussh library before 0.35.1 for Rust, and the Russh crate before 0.40.2 for Rust.
CVE-2023-45802 When a HTTP/2 stream was reset (RST frame) by a client, there was a time window were the request's memory resources were not reclaimed immediately. Instead, de-allocation was deferred to connection close. A client could send new requests and resets, keeping the connection busy and open and causing the memory footprint to keep on growing. On connection close, all resources were reclaimed, but the process might run out of memory before that. This was found by the reporter during testing of CVE-2023-44487 (HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Exploit) with their own test client. During "normal" HTTP/2 use, the probability to hit this bug is very low. The kept memory would not become noticeable before the connection closes or times out. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.58, which fixes the issue.
CVE-2023-38408 The PKCS#11 feature in ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 9.3p2 has an insufficiently trustworthy search path, leading to remote code execution if an agent is forwarded to an attacker-controlled system. (Code in /usr/lib is not necessarily safe for loading into ssh-agent.) NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2016-10009.
CVE-2023-31122 Out-of-bounds Read vulnerability in mod_macro of Apache HTTP Server.This issue affects Apache HTTP Server: through 2.4.57.
CVE-2022-37436 Prior to Apache HTTP Server 2.4.55, a malicious backend can cause the response headers to be truncated early, resulting in some headers being incorporated into the response body. If the later headers have any security purpose, they will not be interpreted by the client.
CVE-2022-31813 7.5Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier may not send the X-Forwarded-* headers to the origin server based on client side Connection header hop-by-hop mechanism. This may be used to bypass IP based authentication on the origin server/application.
CVE-2022-31629 In PHP versions before 7.4.31, 8.0.24 and 8.1.11, the vulnerability enables network and same-site attackers to set a standard insecure cookie in the victim's browser which is treated as a `__Host-` or `__Secure-` cookie by PHP applications.
CVE-2022-31628 In PHP versions before 7.4.31, 8.0.24 and 8.1.11, the phar uncompressor code would recursively uncompress "quines" gzip files, resulting in an infinite loop.
CVE-2022-30556 5.0Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier may return lengths to applications calling r:wsread() that point past the end of the storage allocated for the buffer.
CVE-2022-29404 5.0In Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier, a malicious request to a lua script that calls r:parsebody(0) may cause a denial of service due to no default limit on possible input size.
CVE-2022-28615 6.4Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier may crash or disclose information due to a read beyond bounds in ap_strcmp_match() when provided with an extremely large input buffer. While no code distributed with the server can be coerced into such a call, third-party modules or lua scripts that use ap_strcmp_match() may hypothetically be affected.
CVE-2022-28614 5.0The ap_rwrite() function in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier may read unintended memory if an attacker can cause the server to reflect very large input using ap_rwrite() or ap_rputs(), such as with mod_luas r:puts() function. Modules compiled and distributed separately from Apache HTTP Server that use the 'ap_rputs' function and may pass it a very large (INT_MAX or larger) string must be compiled against current headers to resolve the issue.
CVE-2022-28330 5.0Apache HTTP Server 2.4.53 and earlier on Windows may read beyond bounds when configured to process requests with the mod_isapi module.
CVE-2022-22721 5.8If LimitXMLRequestBody is set to allow request bodies larger than 350MB (defaults to 1M) on 32 bit systems an integer overflow happens which later causes out of bounds writes. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.52 and earlier.
CVE-2022-22720 7.5Apache HTTP Server 2.4.52 and earlier fails to close inbound connection when errors are encountered discarding the request body, exposing the server to HTTP Request Smuggling
CVE-2022-22719 5.0A carefully crafted request body can cause a read to a random memory area which could cause the process to crash. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.52 and earlier.
CVE-2021-44790 7.5A carefully crafted request body can cause a buffer overflow in the mod_lua multipart parser (r:parsebody() called from Lua scripts). The Apache httpd team is not aware of an exploit for the vulnerabilty though it might be possible to craft one. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.51 and earlier.
CVE-2021-40438 6.8A crafted request uri-path can cause mod_proxy to forward the request to an origin server choosen by the remote user. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.48 and earlier.
CVE-2021-39275 7.5ap_escape_quotes() may write beyond the end of a buffer when given malicious input. No included modules pass untrusted data to these functions, but third-party / external modules may. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.48 and earlier.
CVE-2021-36368 2.6An issue was discovered in OpenSSH before 8.9. If a client is using public-key authentication with agent forwarding but without -oLogLevel=verbose, and an attacker has silently modified the server to support the None authentication option, then the user cannot determine whether FIDO authentication is going to confirm that the user wishes to connect to that server, or that the user wishes to allow that server to connect to a different server on the user's behalf. NOTE: the vendor's position is "this is not an authentication bypass, since nothing is being bypassed.
CVE-2021-34798 5.0Malformed requests may cause the server to dereference a NULL pointer. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.48 and earlier.
CVE-2021-32792 4.3mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. In mod_auth_openidc before version 2.4.9, there is an XSS vulnerability in when using `OIDCPreservePost On`.
CVE-2021-32791 4.3mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. In mod_auth_openidc before version 2.4.9, the AES GCM encryption in mod_auth_openidc uses a static IV and AAD. It is important to fix because this creates a static nonce and since aes-gcm is a stream cipher, this can lead to known cryptographic issues, since the same key is being reused. From 2.4.9 onwards this has been patched to use dynamic values through usage of cjose AES encryption routines.
CVE-2021-32786 5.8mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. In versions prior to 2.4.9, `oidc_validate_redirect_url()` does not parse URLs the same way as most browsers do. As a result, this function can be bypassed and leads to an Open Redirect vulnerability in the logout functionality. This bug has been fixed in version 2.4.9 by replacing any backslash of the URL to redirect with slashes to address a particular breaking change between the different specifications (RFC2396 / RFC3986 and WHATWG). As a workaround, this vulnerability can be mitigated by configuring `mod_auth_openidc` to only allow redirection whose destination matches a given regular expression.
CVE-2021-32785 4.3mod_auth_openidc is an authentication/authorization module for the Apache 2.x HTTP server that functions as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, authenticating users against an OpenID Connect Provider. When mod_auth_openidc versions prior to 2.4.9 are configured to use an unencrypted Redis cache (`OIDCCacheEncrypt off`, `OIDCSessionType server-cache`, `OIDCCacheType redis`), `mod_auth_openidc` wrongly performed argument interpolation before passing Redis requests to `hiredis`, which would perform it again and lead to an uncontrolled format string bug. Initial assessment shows that this bug does not appear to allow gaining arbitrary code execution, but can reliably provoke a denial of service by repeatedly crashing the Apache workers. This bug has been corrected in version 2.4.9 by performing argument interpolation only once, using the `hiredis` API. As a workaround, this vulnerability can be mitigated by setting `OIDCCacheEncrypt` to `on`, as cache keys are cryptographically hashed before use when this option is enabled.
CVE-2020-15778 6.8scp in OpenSSH through 8.3p1 allows command injection in the scp.c toremote function, as demonstrated by backtick characters in the destination argument. NOTE: the vendor reportedly has stated that they intentionally omit validation of "anomalous argument transfers" because that could "stand a great chance of breaking existing workflows."
CVE-2020-11579 5.0An issue was discovered in Chadha PHPKB 9.0 Enterprise Edition. installer/test-connection.php (part of the installation process) allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to disclose local files on hosts running PHP before 7.2.16, or on hosts where the MySQL ALLOW LOCAL DATA INFILE option is enabled.
CVE-2019-9641 7.5An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF.
CVE-2019-9639 5.0An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE because of mishandling the data_len variable.
CVE-2019-9638 5.0An issue was discovered in the EXIF component in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. There is an uninitialized read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE because of mishandling the maker_note->offset relationship to value_len.
CVE-2019-9637 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 7.1.27, 7.2.x before 7.2.16, and 7.3.x before 7.3.3. Due to the way rename() across filesystems is implemented, it is possible that file being renamed is briefly available with wrong permissions while the rename is ongoing, thus enabling unauthorized users to access the data.
CVE-2019-9024 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1. xmlrpc_decode() can allow a hostile XMLRPC server to cause PHP to read memory outside of allocated areas in base64_decode_xmlrpc in ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c.
CVE-2019-9023 7.5An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1. A number of heap-based buffer over-read instances are present in mbstring regular expression functions when supplied with invalid multibyte data. These occur in ext/mbstring/oniguruma/regcomp.c, ext/mbstring/oniguruma/regexec.c, ext/mbstring/oniguruma/regparse.c, ext/mbstring/oniguruma/enc/unicode.c, and ext/mbstring/oniguruma/src/utf32_be.c when a multibyte regular expression pattern contains invalid multibyte sequences.
CVE-2019-9021 7.5An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1. A heap-based buffer over-read in PHAR reading functions in the PHAR extension may allow an attacker to read allocated or unallocated memory past the actual data when trying to parse the file name, a different vulnerability than CVE-2018-20783. This is related to phar_detect_phar_fname_ext in ext/phar/phar.c.
CVE-2019-9020 7.5An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1. Invalid input to the function xmlrpc_decode() can lead to an invalid memory access (heap out of bounds read or read after free). This is related to xml_elem_parse_buf in ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xml_element.c.
CVE-2019-6977 6.8gdImageColorMatch in gd_color_match.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka LibGD) 2.2.5, as used in the imagecolormatch function in PHP before 5.6.40, 7.x before 7.1.26, 7.2.x before 7.2.14, and 7.3.x before 7.3.1, has a heap-based buffer overflow. This can be exploited by an attacker who is able to trigger imagecolormatch calls with crafted image data.
CVE-2019-6111 5.8An issue was discovered in OpenSSH 7.9. Due to the scp implementation being derived from 1983 rcp, the server chooses which files/directories are sent to the client. However, the scp client only performs cursory validation of the object name returned (only directory traversal attacks are prevented). A malicious scp server (or Man-in-The-Middle attacker) can overwrite arbitrary files in the scp client target directory. If recursive operation (-r) is performed, the server can manipulate subdirectories as well (for example, to overwrite the .ssh/authorized_keys file).
CVE-2019-6110 4.0In OpenSSH 7.9, due to accepting and displaying arbitrary stderr output from the server, a malicious server (or Man-in-The-Middle attacker) can manipulate the client output, for example to use ANSI control codes to hide additional files being transferred.
CVE-2019-6109 4.0An issue was discovered in OpenSSH 7.9. Due to missing character encoding in the progress display, a malicious server (or Man-in-The-Middle attacker) can employ crafted object names to manipulate the client output, e.g., by using ANSI control codes to hide additional files being transferred. This affects refresh_progress_meter() in progressmeter.c.
CVE-2018-7584 7.5In PHP through 5.6.33, 7.0.x before 7.0.28, 7.1.x through 7.1.14, and 7.2.x through 7.2.2, there is a stack-based buffer under-read while parsing an HTTP response in the php_stream_url_wrap_http_ex function in ext/standard/http_fopen_wrapper.c. This subsequently results in copying a large string.
CVE-2018-5712 4.3An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.33, 7.0.x before 7.0.27, 7.1.x before 7.1.13, and 7.2.x before 7.2.1. There is Reflected XSS on the PHAR 404 error page via the URI of a request for a .phar file.
CVE-2018-5711 4.3gd_gif_in.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka libgd), as used in PHP before 5.6.33, 7.0.x before 7.0.27, 7.1.x before 7.1.13, and 7.2.x before 7.2.1, has an integer signedness error that leads to an infinite loop via a crafted GIF file, as demonstrated by a call to the imagecreatefromgif or imagecreatefromstring PHP function. This is related to GetCode_ and gdImageCreateFromGifCtx.
CVE-2018-20783 5.0In PHP before 5.6.39, 7.x before 7.0.33, 7.1.x before 7.1.25, and 7.2.x before 7.2.13, a buffer over-read in PHAR reading functions may allow an attacker to read allocated or unallocated memory past the actual data when trying to parse a .phar file. This is related to phar_parse_pharfile in ext/phar/phar.c.
CVE-2018-20685 2.6In OpenSSH 7.9, scp.c in the scp client allows remote SSH servers to bypass intended access restrictions via the filename of . or an empty filename. The impact is modifying the permissions of the target directory on the client side.
CVE-2018-19520 6.5An issue was discovered in SDCMS 1.6 with PHP 5.x. app/admin/controller/themecontroller.php uses a check_bad function in an attempt to block certain PHP functions such as eval, but does not prevent use of preg_replace 'e' calls, allowing users to execute arbitrary code by leveraging access to admin template management.
CVE-2018-19396 5.0ext/standard/var_unserializer.c in PHP 5.x through 7.1.24 allows attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via an unserialize call for the com, dotnet, or variant class.
CVE-2018-19395 5.0ext/standard/var.c in PHP 5.x through 7.1.24 on Windows allows attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) because com and com_safearray_proxy return NULL in com_properties_get in ext/com_dotnet/com_handlers.c, as demonstrated by a serialize call on COM("WScript.Shell").
CVE-2018-17082 4.3The Apache2 component in PHP before 5.6.38, 7.0.x before 7.0.32, 7.1.x before 7.1.22, and 7.2.x before 7.2.10 allows XSS via the body of a "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" request, because the bucket brigade is mishandled in the php_handler function in sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c.
CVE-2018-15473 5.0OpenSSH through 7.7 is prone to a user enumeration vulnerability due to not delaying bailout for an invalid authenticating user until after the packet containing the request has been fully parsed, related to auth2-gss.c, auth2-hostbased.c, and auth2-pubkey.c.
CVE-2018-15132 5.0An issue was discovered in ext/standard/link_win32.c in PHP before 5.6.37, 7.0.x before 7.0.31, 7.1.x before 7.1.20, and 7.2.x before 7.2.8. The linkinfo function on Windows doesn't implement the open_basedir check. This could be abused to find files on paths outside of the allowed directories.
CVE-2018-14883 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.37, 7.0.x before 7.0.31, 7.1.x before 7.1.20, and 7.2.x before 7.2.8. An Integer Overflow leads to a heap-based buffer over-read in exif_thumbnail_extract of exif.c.
CVE-2018-14851 4.3exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.6.37, 7.0.x before 7.0.31, 7.1.x before 7.1.20, and 7.2.x before 7.2.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a crafted JPEG file.
CVE-2018-1303 5.0A specially crafted HTTP request header could have crashed the Apache HTTP Server prior to version 2.4.30 due to an out of bound read while preparing data to be cached in shared memory. It could be used as a Denial of Service attack against users of mod_cache_socache. The vulnerability is considered as low risk since mod_cache_socache is not widely used, mod_cache_disk is not concerned by this vulnerability.
CVE-2018-1302 4.3When an HTTP/2 stream was destroyed after being handled, the Apache HTTP Server prior to version 2.4.30 could have written a NULL pointer potentially to an already freed memory. The memory pools maintained by the server make this vulnerability hard to trigger in usual configurations, the reporter and the team could not reproduce it outside debug builds, so it is classified as low risk.
CVE-2018-1301 4.3A specially crafted request could have crashed the Apache HTTP Server prior to version 2.4.30, due to an out of bound access after a size limit is reached by reading the HTTP header. This vulnerability is considered very hard if not impossible to trigger in non-debug mode (both log and build level), so it is classified as low risk for common server usage.
CVE-2018-10549 6.8An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. exif_read_data in ext/exif/exif.c has an out-of-bounds read for crafted JPEG data because exif_iif_add_value mishandles the case of a MakerNote that lacks a final '\0' character.
CVE-2018-10548 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. ext/ldap/ldap.c allows remote LDAP servers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) because of mishandling of the ldap_get_dn return value.
CVE-2018-10547 4.3An issue was discovered in ext/phar/phar_object.c in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. There is Reflected XSS on the PHAR 403 and 404 error pages via request data of a request for a .phar file. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2018-5712.
CVE-2018-10546 5.0An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.36, 7.0.x before 7.0.30, 7.1.x before 7.1.17, and 7.2.x before 7.2.5. An infinite loop exists in ext/iconv/iconv.c because the iconv stream filter does not reject invalid multibyte sequences.
CVE-2018-10545 1.9An issue was discovered in PHP before 5.6.35, 7.0.x before 7.0.29, 7.1.x before 7.1.16, and 7.2.x before 7.2.4. Dumpable FPM child processes allow bypassing opcache access controls because fpm_unix.c makes a PR_SET_DUMPABLE prctl call, allowing one user (in a multiuser environment) to obtain sensitive information from the process memory of a second user's PHP applications by running gcore on the PID of the PHP-FPM worker process.
CVE-2017-9798 5.0Apache httpd allows remote attackers to read secret data from process memory if the Limit directive can be set in a user's .htaccess file, or if httpd.conf has certain misconfigurations, aka Optionsbleed. This affects the Apache HTTP Server through 2.2.34 and 2.4.x through 2.4.27. The attacker sends an unauthenticated OPTIONS HTTP request when attempting to read secret data. This is a use-after-free issue and thus secret data is not always sent, and the specific data depends on many factors including configuration. Exploitation with .htaccess can be blocked with a patch to the ap_limit_section function in server/core.c.
CVE-2017-9788 6.4In Apache httpd before 2.2.34 and 2.4.x before 2.4.27, the value placeholder in [Proxy-]Authorization headers of type 'Digest' was not initialized or reset before or between successive key=value assignments by mod_auth_digest. Providing an initial key with no '=' assignment could reflect the stale value of uninitialized pool memory used by the prior request, leading to leakage of potentially confidential information, and a segfault in other cases resulting in denial of service.
CVE-2017-9226 7.5An issue was discovered in Oniguruma 6.2.0, as used in Oniguruma-mod in Ruby through 2.4.1 and mbstring in PHP through 7.1.5. A heap out-of-bounds write or read occurs in next_state_val() during regular expression compilation. Octal numbers larger than 0xff are not handled correctly in fetch_token() and fetch_token_in_cc(). A malformed regular expression containing an octal number in the form of '\700' would produce an invalid code point value larger than 0xff in next_state_val(), resulting in an out-of-bounds write memory corruption.
CVE-2017-9224 7.5An issue was discovered in Oniguruma 6.2.0, as used in Oniguruma-mod in Ruby through 2.4.1 and mbstring in PHP through 7.1.5. A stack out-of-bounds read occurs in match_at() during regular expression searching. A logical error involving order of validation and access in match_at() could result in an out-of-bounds read from a stack buffer.
CVE-2017-8923 7.5The zend_string_extend function in Zend/zend_string.h in PHP through 7.1.5 does not prevent changes to string objects that result in a negative length, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact by leveraging a script's use of .= with a long string.
CVE-2017-7963 5.0The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP) interfaces for PHP through 7.1.4 allow attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption and application crash) via operations on long strings. NOTE: the vendor disputes this, stating "There is no security issue here, because GMP safely aborts in case of an OOM condition. The only attack vector here is denial of service. However, if you allow attacker-controlled, unbounded allocations you have a DoS vector regardless of GMP's OOM behavior.
CVE-2017-7890 4.3The GIF decoding function gdImageCreateFromGifCtx in gd_gif_in.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka libgd), as used in PHP before 5.6.31 and 7.x before 7.1.7, does not zero colorMap arrays before use. A specially crafted GIF image could use the uninitialized tables to read ~700 bytes from the top of the stack, potentially disclosing sensitive information.
CVE-2017-7679 7.5In Apache httpd 2.2.x before 2.2.33 and 2.4.x before 2.4.26, mod_mime can read one byte past the end of a buffer when sending a malicious Content-Type response header.
CVE-2017-7272 5.8PHP through 7.1.11 enables potential SSRF in applications that accept an fsockopen or pfsockopen hostname argument with an expectation that the port number is constrained. Because a :port syntax is recognized, fsockopen will use the port number that is specified in the hostname argument, instead of the port number in the second argument of the function.
CVE-2017-3169 7.5In Apache httpd 2.2.x before 2.2.33 and 2.4.x before 2.4.26, mod_ssl may dereference a NULL pointer when third-party modules call ap_hook_process_connection() during an HTTP request to an HTTPS port.
CVE-2017-3167 7.5In Apache httpd 2.2.x before 2.2.33 and 2.4.x before 2.4.26, use of the ap_get_basic_auth_pw() by third-party modules outside of the authentication phase may lead to authentication requirements being bypassed.
CVE-2017-16642 5.0In PHP before 5.6.32, 7.x before 7.0.25, and 7.1.x before 7.1.11, an error in the date extension's timelib_meridian handling of 'front of' and 'back of' directives could be used by attackers able to supply date strings to leak information from the interpreter, related to ext/date/lib/parse_date.c out-of-bounds reads affecting the php_parse_date function. NOTE: this is a different issue than CVE-2017-11145.
CVE-2017-15906 5.0The process_open function in sftp-server.c in OpenSSH before 7.6 does not properly prevent write operations in readonly mode, which allows attackers to create zero-length files.
CVE-2017-12933 7.5The finish_nested_data function in ext/standard/var_unserializer.re in PHP before 5.6.31, 7.0.x before 7.0.21, and 7.1.x before 7.1.7 is prone to a buffer over-read while unserializing untrusted data. Exploitation of this issue can have an unspecified impact on the integrity of PHP.
CVE-2017-12868 7.5The secureCompare method in lib/SimpleSAML/Utils/Crypto.php in SimpleSAMLphp 1.14.13 and earlier, when used with PHP before 5.6, allows attackers to conduct session fixation attacks or possibly bypass authentication by leveraging missing character conversions before an XOR operation.
CVE-2017-12419 4.0If, after successful installation of MantisBT through 2.5.2 on MySQL/MariaDB, the administrator does not remove the 'admin' directory (as recommended in the "Post-installation and upgrade tasks" section of the MantisBT Admin Guide), and the MySQL client has a local_infile setting enabled (in php.ini mysqli.allow_local_infile, or the MySQL client config file, depending on the PHP setup), an attacker may take advantage of MySQL's "connect file read" feature to remotely access files on the MantisBT server.
CVE-2017-11628 6.8In PHP before 5.6.31, 7.x before 7.0.21, and 7.1.x before 7.1.7, a stack-based buffer overflow in the zend_ini_do_op() function in Zend/zend_ini_parser.c could cause a denial of service or potentially allow executing code. NOTE: this is only relevant for PHP applications that accept untrusted input (instead of the system's php.ini file) for the parse_ini_string or parse_ini_file function, e.g., a web application for syntax validation of php.ini directives.
CVE-2017-11147 6.4In PHP before 5.6.30 and 7.x before 7.0.15, the PHAR archive handler could be used by attackers supplying malicious archive files to crash the PHP interpreter or potentially disclose information due to a buffer over-read in the phar_parse_pharfile function in ext/phar/phar.c.
CVE-2017-11145 5.0In PHP before 5.6.31, 7.x before 7.0.21, and 7.1.x before 7.1.7, an error in the date extension's timelib_meridian parsing code could be used by attackers able to supply date strings to leak information from the interpreter, related to ext/date/lib/parse_date.c out-of-bounds reads affecting the php_parse_date function. NOTE: the correct fix is in the e8b7698f5ee757ce2c8bd10a192a491a498f891c commit, not the bd77ac90d3bdf31ce2a5251ad92e9e75 gist.
CVE-2017-11144 5.0In PHP before 5.6.31, 7.x before 7.0.21, and 7.1.x before 7.1.7, the openssl extension PEM sealing code did not check the return value of the OpenSSL sealing function, which could lead to a crash of the PHP interpreter, related to an interpretation conflict for a negative number in ext/openssl/openssl.c, and an OpenSSL documentation omission.
CVE-2017-11143 5.0In PHP before 5.6.31, an invalid free in the WDDX deserialization of boolean parameters could be used by attackers able to inject XML for deserialization to crash the PHP interpreter, related to an invalid free for an empty boolean element in ext/wddx/wddx.c.
CVE-2017-11142 7.8In PHP before 5.6.31, 7.x before 7.0.17, and 7.1.x before 7.1.3, remote attackers could cause a CPU consumption denial of service attack by injecting long form variables, related to main/php_variables.c.
CVE-2016-9935 7.5The php_wddx_push_element function in ext/wddx/wddx.c in PHP before 5.6.29 and 7.x before 7.0.14 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and memory corruption) or possibly have unspecified other impact via an empty boolean element in a wddxPacket XML document.
CVE-2016-9934 5.0ext/wddx/wddx.c in PHP before 5.6.28 and 7.x before 7.0.13 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference) via crafted serialized data in a wddxPacket XML document, as demonstrated by a PDORow string.
CVE-2016-9933 5.0Stack consumption vulnerability in the gdImageFillToBorder function in gd.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka libgd) before 2.2.2, as used in PHP before 5.6.28 and 7.x before 7.0.13, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation violation) via a crafted imagefilltoborder call that triggers use of a negative color value.
CVE-2016-9138 7.5PHP through 5.6.27 and 7.x through 7.0.12 mishandles property modification during __wakeup processing, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted serialized data, as demonstrated by Exception::__toString with DateInterval::__wakeup.
CVE-2016-9137 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the CURLFile implementation in ext/curl/curl_file.c in PHP before 5.6.27 and 7.x before 7.0.12 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted serialized data that is mishandled during __wakeup processing.
CVE-2016-8743 5.0Apache HTTP Server, in all releases prior to 2.2.32 and 2.4.25, was liberal in the whitespace accepted from requests and sent in response lines and headers. Accepting these different behaviors represented a security concern when httpd participates in any chain of proxies or interacts with back-end application servers, either through mod_proxy or using conventional CGI mechanisms, and may result in request smuggling, response splitting and cache pollution.
CVE-2016-8670 7.5Integer signedness error in the dynamicGetbuf function in gd_io_dp.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka libgd) through 2.2.3, as used in PHP before 5.6.28 and 7.x before 7.0.13, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (stack-based buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted imagecreatefromstring call.
CVE-2016-8612 3.3Apache HTTP Server mod_cluster before version httpd 2.4.23 is vulnerable to an Improper Input Validation in the protocol parsing logic in the load balancer resulting in a Segmentation Fault in the serving httpd process.
CVE-2016-7478 5.0Zend/zend_exceptions.c in PHP, possibly 5.x before 5.6.28 and 7.x before 7.0.13, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop) via a crafted Exception object in serialized data, a related issue to CVE-2015-8876.
CVE-2016-7418 5.0The php_wddx_push_element function in ext/wddx/wddx.c in PHP before 5.6.26 and 7.x before 7.0.11 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (invalid pointer access and out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via an incorrect boolean element in a wddxPacket XML document, leading to mishandling in a wddx_deserialize call.
CVE-2016-7417 7.5ext/spl/spl_array.c in PHP before 5.6.26 and 7.x before 7.0.11 proceeds with SplArray unserialization without validating a return value and data type, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted serialized data.
CVE-2016-7416 5.0ext/intl/msgformat/msgformat_format.c in PHP before 5.6.26 and 7.x before 7.0.11 does not properly restrict the locale length provided to the Locale class in the ICU library, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a MessageFormatter::formatMessage call with a long first argument.
CVE-2016-7414 7.5The ZIP signature-verification feature in PHP before 5.6.26 and 7.x before 7.0.11 does not ensure that the uncompressed_filesize field is large enough, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds memory access) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted PHAR archive, related to ext/phar/util.c and ext/phar/zip.c.
CVE-2016-7413 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the wddx_stack_destroy function in ext/wddx/wddx.c in PHP before 5.6.26 and 7.x before 7.0.11 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a wddxPacket XML document that lacks an end-tag for a recordset field element, leading to mishandling in a wddx_deserialize call.
CVE-2016-7412 6.8ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c in PHP before 5.6.26 and 7.x before 7.0.11 does not verify that a BIT field has the UNSIGNED_FLAG flag, which allows remote MySQL servers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted field metadata.
CVE-2016-7411 7.5ext/standard/var_unserializer.re in PHP before 5.6.26 mishandles object-deserialization failures, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or possibly have unspecified other impact via an unserialize call that references a partially constructed object.
CVE-2016-7132 5.0ext/wddx/wddx.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via an invalid wddxPacket XML document that is mishandled in a wddx_deserialize call, as demonstrated by a stray element inside a boolean element, leading to incorrect pop processing.
CVE-2016-7131 5.0ext/wddx/wddx.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a malformed wddxPacket XML document that is mishandled in a wddx_deserialize call, as demonstrated by a tag that lacks a < (less than) character.
CVE-2016-7130 5.0The php_wddx_pop_element function in ext/wddx/wddx.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via an invalid base64 binary value, as demonstrated by a wddx_deserialize call that mishandles a binary element in a wddxPacket XML document.
CVE-2016-7129 7.5The php_wddx_process_data function in ext/wddx/wddx.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) or possibly have unspecified other impact via an invalid ISO 8601 time value, as demonstrated by a wddx_deserialize call that mishandles a dateTime element in a wddxPacket XML document.
CVE-2016-7128 5.0The exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF function in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 mishandles the case of a thumbnail offset that exceeds the file size, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory via a crafted TIFF image.
CVE-2016-7127 7.5The imagegammacorrect function in ext/gd/gd.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 does not properly validate gamma values, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds write) or possibly have unspecified other impact by providing different signs for the second and third arguments.
CVE-2016-7126 7.5The imagetruecolortopalette function in ext/gd/gd.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 does not properly validate the number of colors, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (select_colors allocation error and out-of-bounds write) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a large value in the third argument.
CVE-2016-7125 5.0ext/session/session.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 skips invalid session names in a way that triggers incorrect parsing, which allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary-type session data by leveraging control of a session name, as demonstrated by object injection.
CVE-2016-7124 7.5ext/standard/var_unserializer.c in PHP before 5.6.25 and 7.x before 7.0.10 mishandles certain invalid objects, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted serialized data that leads to a (1) __destruct call or (2) magic method call.
CVE-2016-6515 7.8The auth_password function in auth-passwd.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.3 does not limit password lengths for password authentication, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crypt CPU consumption) via a long string.
CVE-2016-6297 6.8Integer overflow in the php_stream_zip_opener function in ext/zip/zip_stream.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (stack-based buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted zip:// URL.
CVE-2016-6296 7.5Integer signedness error in the simplestring_addn function in simplestring.c in xmlrpc-epi through 0.54.2, as used in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a long first argument to the PHP xmlrpc_encode_request function.
CVE-2016-6295 7.5ext/snmp/snmp.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 improperly interacts with the unserialize implementation and garbage collection, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (use-after-free and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted serialized data, a related issue to CVE-2016-5773.
CVE-2016-6294 7.5The locale_accept_from_http function in ext/intl/locale/locale_methods.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 does not properly restrict calls to the ICU uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP function, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a call with a long argument.
CVE-2016-6292 4.3The exif_process_user_comment function in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a crafted JPEG image.
CVE-2016-6291 7.5The exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE function in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds array access and memory corruption), obtain sensitive information from process memory, or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted JPEG image.
CVE-2016-6290 7.5ext/session/session.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 does not properly maintain a certain hash data structure, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (use-after-free) or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors related to session deserialization.
CVE-2016-6289 6.8Integer overflow in the virtual_file_ex function in TSRM/tsrm_virtual_cwd.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (stack-based buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted extract operation on a ZIP archive.
CVE-2016-6288 7.5The php_url_parse_ex function in ext/standard/url.c in PHP before 5.5.38 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (buffer over-read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors involving the smart_str data type.
CVE-2016-6210 4.3sshd in OpenSSH before 7.3, when SHA256 or SHA512 are used for user password hashing, uses BLOWFISH hashing on a static password when the username does not exist, which allows remote attackers to enumerate users by leveraging the timing difference between responses when a large password is provided.
CVE-2016-6174 6.8applications/core/modules/front/system/content.php in Invision Power Services IPS Community Suite (aka Invision Power Board, IPB, or Power Board) before 4.1.13, when used with PHP before 5.4.24 or 5.5.x before 5.5.8, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via the content_class parameter.
CVE-2016-5773 7.5php_zip.c in the zip extension in PHP before 5.5.37, 5.6.x before 5.6.23, and 7.x before 7.0.8 improperly interacts with the unserialize implementation and garbage collection, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free and application crash) via crafted serialized data containing a ZipArchive object.
CVE-2016-5772 7.5Double free vulnerability in the php_wddx_process_data function in wddx.c in the WDDX extension in PHP before 5.5.37, 5.6.x before 5.6.23, and 7.x before 7.0.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted XML data that is mishandled in a wddx_deserialize call.
CVE-2016-5771 7.5spl_array.c in the SPL extension in PHP before 5.5.37 and 5.6.x before 5.6.23 improperly interacts with the unserialize implementation and garbage collection, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free and application crash) via crafted serialized data.
CVE-2016-5770 7.5Integer overflow in the SplFileObject::fread function in spl_directory.c in the SPL extension in PHP before 5.5.37 and 5.6.x before 5.6.23 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a large integer argument, a related issue to CVE-2016-5096.
CVE-2016-5769 7.5Multiple integer overflows in mcrypt.c in the mcrypt extension in PHP before 5.5.37, 5.6.x before 5.6.23, and 7.x before 7.0.8 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted length value, related to the (1) mcrypt_generic and (2) mdecrypt_generic functions.
CVE-2016-5768 7.5Double free vulnerability in the _php_mb_regex_ereg_replace_exec function in php_mbregex.c in the mbstring extension in PHP before 5.5.37, 5.6.x before 5.6.23, and 7.x before 7.0.8 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (application crash) by leveraging a callback exception.
CVE-2016-5767 6.8Integer overflow in the gdImageCreate function in gd.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka libgd) before 2.0.34RC1, as used in PHP before 5.5.37, 5.6.x before 5.6.23, and 7.x before 7.0.8, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted image dimensions.
CVE-2016-5766 6.8Integer overflow in the _gd2GetHeader function in gd_gd2.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka libgd) before 2.2.3, as used in PHP before 5.5.37, 5.6.x before 5.6.23, and 7.x before 7.0.8, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted chunk dimensions in an image.
CVE-2016-5399 6.8The bzread function in ext/bz2/bz2.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds write) or execute arbitrary code via a crafted bz2 archive.
CVE-2016-5387 6.8The Apache HTTP Server through 2.4.23 follows RFC 3875 section 4.1.18 and therefore does not protect applications from the presence of untrusted client data in the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, which might allow remote attackers to redirect an application's outbound HTTP traffic to an arbitrary proxy server via a crafted Proxy header in an HTTP request, aka an "httpoxy" issue. NOTE: the vendor states "This mitigation has been assigned the identifier CVE-2016-5387"; in other words, this is not a CVE ID for a vulnerability.
CVE-2016-5114 6.4sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_log.c in PHP before 5.5.31, 5.6.x before 5.6.17, and 7.x before 7.0.2 misinterprets the semantics of the snprintf return value, which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory or cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and buffer overflow) via a long string, as demonstrated by a long URI in a configuration with custom REQUEST_URI logging.
CVE-2016-5096 7.5Integer overflow in the fread function in ext/standard/file.c in PHP before 5.5.36 and 5.6.x before 5.6.22 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a large integer in the second argument.
CVE-2016-5095 7.5Integer overflow in the php_escape_html_entities_ex function in ext/standard/html.c in PHP before 5.5.36 and 5.6.x before 5.6.22 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact by triggering a large output string from a FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS filter_var call. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2016-5094.
CVE-2016-5094 7.5Integer overflow in the php_html_entities function in ext/standard/html.c in PHP before 5.5.36 and 5.6.x before 5.6.22 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact by triggering a large output string from the htmlspecialchars function.
CVE-2016-5093 7.5The get_icu_value_internal function in ext/intl/locale/locale_methods.c in PHP before 5.5.36, 5.6.x before 5.6.22, and 7.x before 7.0.7 does not ensure the presence of a '\0' character, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted locale_get_primary_language call.
CVE-2016-4975 4.3Possible CRLF injection allowing HTTP response splitting attacks for sites which use mod_userdir. This issue was mitigated by changes made in 2.4.25 and 2.2.32 which prohibit CR or LF injection into the "Location" or other outbound header key or value. Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.25 (Affected 2.4.1-2.4.23). Fixed in Apache HTTP Server 2.2.32 (Affected 2.2.0-2.2.31).
CVE-2016-4543 7.5The exif_process_IFD_in_JPEG function in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 does not validate IFD sizes, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted header data.
CVE-2016-4542 7.5The exif_process_IFD_TAG function in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 does not properly construct spprintf arguments, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted header data.
CVE-2016-4541 7.5The grapheme_strpos function in ext/intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a negative offset.
CVE-2016-4540 7.5The grapheme_stripos function in ext/intl/grapheme/grapheme_string.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a negative offset.
CVE-2016-4539 7.5The xml_parse_into_struct function in ext/xml/xml.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (buffer under-read and segmentation fault) or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted XML data in the second argument, leading to a parser level of zero.
CVE-2016-4538 7.5The bcpowmod function in ext/bcmath/bcmath.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 modifies certain data structures without considering whether they are copies of the _zero_, _one_, or _two_ global variable, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted call.
CVE-2016-4537 7.5The bcpowmod function in ext/bcmath/bcmath.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 accepts a negative integer for the scale argument, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted call.
CVE-2016-4343 6.8The phar_make_dirstream function in ext/phar/dirstream.c in PHP before 5.6.18 and 7.x before 7.0.3 mishandles zero-size ././@LongLink files, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (uninitialized pointer dereference) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted TAR archive.
CVE-2016-4342 8.3ext/phar/phar_object.c in PHP before 5.5.32, 5.6.x before 5.6.18, and 7.x before 7.0.3 mishandles zero-length uncompressed data, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted (1) TAR, (2) ZIP, or (3) PHAR archive.
CVE-2016-4070 5.0Integer overflow in the php_raw_url_encode function in ext/standard/url.c in PHP before 5.5.34, 5.6.x before 5.6.20, and 7.x before 7.0.5 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a long string to the rawurlencode function. NOTE: the vendor says "Not sure if this qualifies as security issue (probably not).
CVE-2016-3185 6.4The make_http_soap_request function in ext/soap/php_http.c in PHP before 5.4.44, 5.5.x before 5.5.28, 5.6.x before 5.6.12, and 7.x before 7.0.4 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory or cause a denial of service (type confusion and application crash) via crafted serialized _cookies data, related to the SoapClient::__call method in ext/soap/soap.c.
CVE-2016-3171 6.8Drupal 6.x before 6.38, when used with PHP before 5.4.45, 5.5.x before 5.5.29, or 5.6.x before 5.6.13, might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to session data truncation.
CVE-2016-3167 6.4Open redirect vulnerability in the drupal_goto function in Drupal 6.x before 6.38, when used with PHP before 5.4.7, allows remote attackers to redirect users to arbitrary web sites and conduct phishing attacks via a double-encoded URL in the "destination" parameter.
CVE-2016-3142 6.4The phar_parse_zipfile function in zip.c in the PHAR extension in PHP before 5.5.33 and 5.6.x before 5.6.19 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory or cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) by placing a PK\x05\x06 signature at an invalid location.
CVE-2016-3141 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in wddx.c in the WDDX extension in PHP before 5.5.33 and 5.6.x before 5.6.19 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact by triggering a wddx_deserialize call on XML data containing a crafted var element.
CVE-2016-3115 5.5Multiple CRLF injection vulnerabilities in session.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.2p2 allow remote authenticated users to bypass intended shell-command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data, related to the (1) do_authenticated1 and (2) session_x11_req functions.
CVE-2016-2554 10.0Stack-based buffer overflow in ext/phar/tar.c in PHP before 5.5.32, 5.6.x before 5.6.18, and 7.x before 7.0.3 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted TAR archive.
CVE-2016-20012 4.3OpenSSH through 8.7 allows remote attackers, who have a suspicion that a certain combination of username and public key is known to an SSH server, to test whether this suspicion is correct. This occurs because a challenge is sent only when that combination could be valid for a login session. NOTE: the vendor does not recognize user enumeration as a vulnerability for this product
CVE-2016-1908 7.5The client in OpenSSH before 7.2 mishandles failed cookie generation for untrusted X11 forwarding and relies on the local X11 server for access-control decisions, which allows remote X11 clients to trigger a fallback and obtain trusted X11 forwarding privileges by leveraging configuration issues on this X11 server, as demonstrated by lack of the SECURITY extension on this X11 server.
CVE-2016-1903 6.4The gdImageRotateInterpolated function in ext/gd/libgd/gd_interpolation.c in PHP before 5.5.31, 5.6.x before 5.6.17, and 7.x before 7.0.2 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information or cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a large bgd_color argument to the imagerotate function.
CVE-2016-10712 5.0In PHP before 5.5.32, 5.6.x before 5.6.18, and 7.x before 7.0.3, all of the return values of stream_get_meta_data can be controlled if the input can be controlled (e.g., during file uploads). For example, a "$uri = stream_get_meta_data(fopen($file, "r"))['uri']" call mishandles the case where $file is data:text/plain;uri=eviluri, -- in other words, metadata can be set by an attacker.
CVE-2016-10708 5.0sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and daemon crash) via an out-of-sequence NEWKEYS message, as demonstrated by Honggfuzz, related to kex.c and packet.c.
CVE-2016-10397 5.0In PHP before 5.6.28 and 7.x before 7.0.13, incorrect handling of various URI components in the URL parser could be used by attackers to bypass hostname-specific URL checks, as demonstrated by evil.example.com:80#@good.example.com/ and evil.example.com:80?@good.example.com/ inputs to the parse_url function (implemented in the php_url_parse_ex function in ext/standard/url.c).
CVE-2016-10161 5.0The object_common1 function in ext/standard/var_unserializer.c in PHP before 5.6.30, 7.0.x before 7.0.15, and 7.1.x before 7.1.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (buffer over-read and application crash) via crafted serialized data that is mishandled in a finish_nested_data call.
CVE-2016-10159 5.0Integer overflow in the phar_parse_pharfile function in ext/phar/phar.c in PHP before 5.6.30 and 7.0.x before 7.0.15 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption or application crash) via a truncated manifest entry in a PHAR archive.
CVE-2016-10158 5.0The exif_convert_any_to_int function in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.6.30, 7.0.x before 7.0.15, and 7.1.x before 7.1.1 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via crafted EXIF data that triggers an attempt to divide the minimum representable negative integer by -1.
CVE-2016-10012 7.2The shared memory manager (associated with pre-authentication compression) in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4 does not ensure that a bounds check is enforced by all compilers, which might allows local users to gain privileges by leveraging access to a sandboxed privilege-separation process, related to the m_zback and m_zlib data structures.
CVE-2016-10011 2.1authfile.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4 does not properly consider the effects of realloc on buffer contents, which might allow local users to obtain sensitive private-key information by leveraging access to a privilege-separated child process.
CVE-2016-10010 6.9sshd in OpenSSH before 7.4, when privilege separation is not used, creates forwarded Unix-domain sockets as root, which might allow local users to gain privileges via unspecified vectors, related to serverloop.c.
CVE-2016-10009 7.5Untrusted search path vulnerability in ssh-agent.c in ssh-agent in OpenSSH before 7.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary local PKCS#11 modules by leveraging control over a forwarded agent-socket.
CVE-2015-9253 6.8An issue was discovered in PHP 7.3.x before 7.3.0alpha3, 7.2.x before 7.2.8, and before 7.1.20. The php-fpm master process restarts a child process in an endless loop when using program execution functions (e.g., passthru, exec, shell_exec, or system) with a non-blocking STDIN stream, causing this master process to consume 100% of the CPU, and consume disk space with a large volume of error logs, as demonstrated by an attack by a customer of a shared-hosting facility.
CVE-2015-8994 6.8An issue was discovered in PHP 5.x and 7.x, when the configuration uses apache2handler/mod_php or php-fpm with OpCache enabled. With 5.x after 5.6.28 or 7.x after 7.0.13, the issue is resolved in a non-default configuration with the opcache.validate_permission=1 setting. The vulnerability details are as follows. In PHP SAPIs where PHP interpreters share a common parent process, Zend OpCache creates a shared memory object owned by the common parent during initialization. Child PHP processes inherit the SHM descriptor, using it to cache and retrieve compiled script bytecode ("opcode" in PHP jargon). Cache keys vary depending on configuration, but filename is a central key component, and compiled opcode can generally be run if a script's filename is known or can be guessed. Many common shared-hosting configurations change EUID in child processes to enforce privilege separation among hosted users (for example using mod_ruid2 for the Apache HTTP Server, or php-fpm user settings). In these scenarios, the default Zend OpCache behavior defeats script file permissions by sharing a single SHM cache among all child PHP processes. PHP scripts often contain sensitive information: Think of CMS configurations where reading or running another user's script usually means gaining privileges to the CMS database.
CVE-2015-8935 4.3The sapi_header_op function in main/SAPI.c in PHP before 5.4.38, 5.5.x before 5.5.22, and 5.6.x before 5.6.6 supports deprecated line folding without considering browser compatibility, which allows remote attackers to conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks against Internet Explorer by leveraging (1) %0A%20 or (2) %0D%0A%20 mishandling in the header function.
CVE-2015-8879 5.0The odbc_bindcols function in ext/odbc/php_odbc.c in PHP before 5.6.12 mishandles driver behavior for SQL_WVARCHAR columns, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) in opportunistic circumstances by leveraging use of the odbc_fetch_array function to access a certain type of Microsoft SQL Server table.
CVE-2015-8877 5.0The gdImageScaleTwoPass function in gd_interpolation.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka libgd) before 2.2.0, as used in PHP before 5.6.12, uses inconsistent allocate and free approaches, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a crafted call, as demonstrated by a call to the PHP imagescale function.
CVE-2015-8874 5.0Stack consumption vulnerability in GD in PHP before 5.6.12 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a crafted imagefilltoborder call.
CVE-2015-8873 5.0Stack consumption vulnerability in Zend/zend_exceptions.c in PHP before 5.4.44, 5.5.x before 5.5.28, and 5.6.x before 5.6.12 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) via recursive method calls.
CVE-2015-8865 7.5The file_check_mem function in funcs.c in file before 5.23, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.5.34, 5.6.x before 5.6.20, and 7.x before 7.0.5, mishandles continuation-level jumps, which allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (buffer overflow and application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted magic file.
CVE-2015-8838 4.3ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd.c in PHP before 5.4.43, 5.5.x before 5.5.27, and 5.6.x before 5.6.11 uses a client SSL option to mean that SSL is optional, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof servers via a cleartext-downgrade attack, a related issue to CVE-2015-3152.
CVE-2015-8835 7.5The make_http_soap_request function in ext/soap/php_http.c in PHP before 5.4.44, 5.5.x before 5.5.28, and 5.6.x before 5.6.12 does not properly retrieve keys, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference, type confusion, and application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via crafted serialized data representing a numerically indexed _cookies array, related to the SoapClient::__call method in ext/soap/soap.c.
CVE-2015-8325 7.2The do_setup_env function in session.c in sshd in OpenSSH through 7.2p2, when the UseLogin feature is enabled and PAM is configured to read .pam_environment files in user home directories, allows local users to gain privileges by triggering a crafted environment for the /bin/login program, as demonstrated by an LD_PRELOAD environment variable.
CVE-2015-7804 6.8Off-by-one error in the phar_parse_zipfile function in ext/phar/zip.c in PHP before 5.5.30 and 5.6.x before 5.6.14 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (uninitialized pointer dereference and application crash) by including the / filename in a .zip PHAR archive.
CVE-2015-7803 6.8The phar_get_entry_data function in ext/phar/util.c in PHP before 5.5.30 and 5.6.x before 5.6.14 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a .phar file with a crafted TAR archive entry in which the Link indicator references a file that does not exist.
CVE-2015-6838 5.0The xsl_ext_function_php function in ext/xsl/xsltprocessor.c in PHP before 5.4.45, 5.5.x before 5.5.29, and 5.6.x before 5.6.13, when libxml2 before 2.9.2 is used, does not consider the possibility of a NULL valuePop return value before proceeding with a free operation after the principal argument loop, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a crafted XML document, a different vulnerability than CVE-2015-6837.
CVE-2015-6837 5.0The xsl_ext_function_php function in ext/xsl/xsltprocessor.c in PHP before 5.4.45, 5.5.x before 5.5.29, and 5.6.x before 5.6.13, when libxml2 before 2.9.2 is used, does not consider the possibility of a NULL valuePop return value before proceeding with a free operation during initial error checking, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a crafted XML document, a different vulnerability than CVE-2015-6838.
CVE-2015-6836 7.5The SoapClient __call method in ext/soap/soap.c in PHP before 5.4.45, 5.5.x before 5.5.29, and 5.6.x before 5.6.13 does not properly manage headers, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted serialized data that triggers a "type confusion" in the serialize_function_call function.
CVE-2015-6835 7.5The session deserializer in PHP before 5.4.45, 5.5.x before 5.5.29, and 5.6.x before 5.6.13 mishandles multiple php_var_unserialize calls, which allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (use-after-free) via crafted session content.
CVE-2015-6834 7.5Multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities in PHP before 5.4.45, 5.5.x before 5.5.29, and 5.6.x before 5.6.13 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to (1) the Serializable interface, (2) the SplObjectStorage class, and (3) the SplDoublyLinkedList class, which are mishandled during unserialization.
CVE-2015-6833 5.0Directory traversal vulnerability in the PharData class in PHP before 5.4.44, 5.5.x before 5.5.28, and 5.6.x before 5.6.12 allows remote attackers to write to arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in a ZIP archive entry that is mishandled during an extractTo call.
CVE-2015-6832 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the SPL unserialize implementation in ext/spl/spl_array.c in PHP before 5.4.44, 5.5.x before 5.5.28, and 5.6.x before 5.6.12 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted serialized data that triggers misuse of an array field.
CVE-2015-6831 7.5Multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities in SPL in PHP before 5.4.44, 5.5.x before 5.5.28, and 5.6.x before 5.6.12 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors involving (1) ArrayObject, (2) SplObjectStorage, and (3) SplDoublyLinkedList, which are mishandled during unserialization.
CVE-2015-6564 6.9Use-after-free vulnerability in the mm_answer_pam_free_ctx function in monitor.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.0 on non-OpenBSD platforms might allow local users to gain privileges by leveraging control of the sshd uid to send an unexpectedly early MONITOR_REQ_PAM_FREE_CTX request.
CVE-2015-6563 1.9The monitor component in sshd in OpenSSH before 7.0 on non-OpenBSD platforms accepts extraneous username data in MONITOR_REQ_PAM_INIT_CTX requests, which allows local users to conduct impersonation attacks by leveraging any SSH login access in conjunction with control of the sshd uid to send a crafted MONITOR_REQ_PWNAM request, related to monitor.c and monitor_wrap.c.
CVE-2015-6497 6.5The create function in app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product/Api/V2.php in Magento Community Edition (CE) before and Enterprise Edition (EE) before, when used with PHP before 5.4.24 or 5.5.8, allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary PHP code via the productData parameter to index.php/api/v2_soap.
CVE-2015-5600 8.5The kbdint_next_device function in auth2-chall.c in sshd in OpenSSH through 6.9 does not properly restrict the processing of keyboard-interactive devices within a single connection, which makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct brute-force attacks or cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via a long and duplicative list in the ssh -oKbdInteractiveDevices option, as demonstrated by a modified client that provides a different password for each pam element on this list.
CVE-2015-5590 7.5Stack-based buffer overflow in the phar_fix_filepath function in ext/phar/phar.c in PHP before 5.4.43, 5.5.x before 5.5.27, and 5.6.x before 5.6.11 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via a large length value, as demonstrated by mishandling of an e-mail attachment by the imap PHP extension.
CVE-2015-5589 10.0The phar_convert_to_other function in ext/phar/phar_object.c in PHP before 5.4.43, 5.5.x before 5.5.27, and 5.6.x before 5.6.11 does not validate a file pointer before a close operation, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted TAR archive that is mishandled in a Phar::convertToData call.
CVE-2015-5352 4.3The x11_open_helper function in channels.c in ssh in OpenSSH before 6.9, when ForwardX11Trusted mode is not used, lacks a check of the refusal deadline for X connections, which makes it easier for remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions via a connection outside of the permitted time window.
CVE-2015-4644 5.0The php_pgsql_meta_data function in pgsql.c in the PostgreSQL (aka pgsql) extension in PHP before 5.4.42, 5.5.x before 5.5.26, and 5.6.x before 5.6.10 does not validate token extraction for table names, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a crafted name. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2015-1352.
CVE-2015-4643 7.5Integer overflow in the ftp_genlist function in ext/ftp/ftp.c in PHP before 5.4.42, 5.5.x before 5.5.26, and 5.6.x before 5.6.10 allows remote FTP servers to execute arbitrary code via a long reply to a LIST command, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2015-4022.
CVE-2015-4642 10.0The escapeshellarg function in ext/standard/exec.c in PHP before 5.4.42, 5.5.x before 5.5.26, and 5.6.x before 5.6.10 on Windows allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary OS commands via a crafted string to an application that accepts command-line arguments for a call to the PHP system function.
CVE-2015-4605 5.0The mcopy function in softmagic.c in file 5.x, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8, does not properly restrict a certain offset value, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted string that is mishandled by a "Python script text executable" rule.
CVE-2015-4604 5.0The mget function in softmagic.c in file 5.x, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8, does not properly maintain a certain pointer relationship, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted string that is mishandled by a "Python script text executable" rule.
CVE-2015-4603 10.0The exception::getTraceAsString function in Zend/zend_exceptions.c in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via an unexpected data type, related to a "type confusion" issue.
CVE-2015-4602 10.0The __PHP_Incomplete_Class function in ext/standard/incomplete_class.c in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via an unexpected data type, related to a "type confusion" issue.
CVE-2015-4601 10.0PHP before 5.6.7 might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via an unexpected data type, related to "type confusion" issues in (1) ext/soap/php_encoding.c, (2) ext/soap/php_http.c, and (3) ext/soap/soap.c, a different issue than CVE-2015-4600.
CVE-2015-4600 10.0The SoapClient implementation in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via an unexpected data type, related to "type confusion" issues in the (1) SoapClient::__getLastRequest, (2) SoapClient::__getLastResponse, (3) SoapClient::__getLastRequestHeaders, (4) SoapClient::__getLastResponseHeaders, (5) SoapClient::__getCookies, and (6) SoapClient::__setCookie methods.
CVE-2015-4599 10.0The SoapFault::__toString method in ext/soap/soap.c in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information, cause a denial of service (application crash), or possibly execute arbitrary code via an unexpected data type, related to a "type confusion" issue.
CVE-2015-4598 7.5PHP before 5.4.42, 5.5.x before 5.5.26, and 5.6.x before 5.6.10 does not ensure that pathnames lack %00 sequences, which might allow remote attackers to read or write to arbitrary files via crafted input to an application that calls (1) a DOMDocument save method or (2) the GD imagepsloadfont function, as demonstrated by a filename\0.html attack that bypasses an intended configuration in which client users may write to only .html files.
CVE-2015-4148 5.0The do_soap_call function in ext/soap/soap.c in PHP before 5.4.39, 5.5.x before 5.5.23, and 5.6.x before 5.6.7 does not verify that the uri property is a string, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information by providing crafted serialized data with an int data type, related to a "type confusion" issue.
CVE-2015-4147 7.5The SoapClient::__call method in ext/soap/soap.c in PHP before 5.4.39, 5.5.x before 5.5.23, and 5.6.x before 5.6.7 does not verify that __default_headers is an array, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by providing crafted serialized data with an unexpected data type, related to a "type confusion" issue.
CVE-2015-4116 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the spl_ptr_heap_insert function in ext/spl/spl_heap.c in PHP before 5.5.27 and 5.6.x before 5.6.11 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by triggering a failed SplMinHeap::compare operation.
CVE-2015-4026 7.5The pcntl_exec implementation in PHP before 5.4.41, 5.5.x before 5.5.25, and 5.6.x before 5.6.9 truncates a pathname upon encountering a \x00 character, which might allow remote attackers to bypass intended extension restrictions and execute files with unexpected names via a crafted first argument. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2006-7243.
CVE-2015-4025 7.5PHP before 5.4.41, 5.5.x before 5.5.25, and 5.6.x before 5.6.9 truncates a pathname upon encountering a \x00 character in certain situations, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended extension restrictions and access files or directories with unexpected names via a crafted argument to (1) set_include_path, (2) tempnam, (3) rmdir, or (4) readlink. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2006-7243.
CVE-2015-4024 5.0Algorithmic complexity vulnerability in the multipart_buffer_headers function in main/rfc1867.c in PHP before 5.4.41, 5.5.x before 5.5.25, and 5.6.x before 5.6.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via crafted form data that triggers an improper order-of-growth outcome.
CVE-2015-4022 7.5Integer overflow in the ftp_genlist function in ext/ftp/ftp.c in PHP before 5.4.41, 5.5.x before 5.5.25, and 5.6.x before 5.6.9 allows remote FTP servers to execute arbitrary code via a long reply to a LIST command, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2015-4021 5.0The phar_parse_tarfile function in ext/phar/tar.c in PHP before 5.4.41, 5.5.x before 5.5.25, and 5.6.x before 5.6.9 does not verify that the first character of a filename is different from the \0 character, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (integer underflow and memory corruption) via a crafted entry in a tar archive.
CVE-2015-4000 4.3The TLS protocol 1.2 and earlier, when a DHE_EXPORT ciphersuite is enabled on a server but not on a client, does not properly convey a DHE_EXPORT choice, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to conduct cipher-downgrade attacks by rewriting a ClientHello with DHE replaced by DHE_EXPORT and then rewriting a ServerHello with DHE_EXPORT replaced by DHE, aka the "Logjam" issue.
CVE-2015-3412 5.0PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 does not ensure that pathnames lack %00 sequences, which might allow remote attackers to read arbitrary files via crafted input to an application that calls the stream_resolve_include_path function in ext/standard/streamsfuncs.c, as demonstrated by a filename\0.extension attack that bypasses an intended configuration in which client users may read files with only one specific extension.
CVE-2015-3411 6.4PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 does not ensure that pathnames lack %00 sequences, which might allow remote attackers to read or write to arbitrary files via crafted input to an application that calls (1) a DOMDocument load method, (2) the xmlwriter_open_uri function, (3) the finfo_file function, or (4) the hash_hmac_file function, as demonstrated by a filename\0.xml attack that bypasses an intended configuration in which client users may read only .xml files.
CVE-2015-3330 6.8The php_handler function in sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8, when the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.x is used, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via pipelined HTTP requests that result in a "deconfigured interpreter."
CVE-2015-3329 7.5Multiple stack-based buffer overflows in the phar_set_inode function in phar_internal.h in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted length value in a (1) tar, (2) phar, or (3) ZIP archive.
CVE-2015-3307 7.5The phar_parse_metadata function in ext/phar/phar.c in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap metadata corruption) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted tar archive.
CVE-2015-3183 5.0The chunked transfer coding implementation in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.4.14 does not properly parse chunk headers, which allows remote attackers to conduct HTTP request smuggling attacks via a crafted request, related to mishandling of large chunk-size values and invalid chunk-extension characters in modules/http/http_filters.c.
CVE-2015-2787 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the process_nested_data function in ext/standard/var_unserializer.re in PHP before 5.4.39, 5.5.x before 5.5.23, and 5.6.x before 5.6.7 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted unserialize call that leverages use of the unset function within an __wakeup function, a related issue to CVE-2015-0231.
CVE-2015-2783 5.8ext/phar/phar.c in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory or cause a denial of service (buffer over-read and application crash) via a crafted length value in conjunction with crafted serialized data in a phar archive, related to the phar_parse_metadata and phar_parse_pharfile functions.
CVE-2015-2575 4.9Unspecified vulnerability in the MySQL Connectors component in Oracle MySQL 5.1.34 and earlier allows remote authenticated users to affect confidentiality and integrity via unknown vectors related to Connector/J.
CVE-2015-2348 5.0The move_uploaded_file implementation in ext/standard/basic_functions.c in PHP before 5.4.39, 5.5.x before 5.5.23, and 5.6.x before 5.6.7 truncates a pathname upon encountering a \x00 character, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended extension restrictions and create files with unexpected names via a crafted second argument. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2006-7243.
CVE-2015-2331 7.5Integer overflow in the _zip_cdir_new function in zip_dirent.c in libzip 0.11.2 and earlier, as used in the ZIP extension in PHP before 5.4.39, 5.5.x before 5.5.23, and 5.6.x before 5.6.7 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a ZIP archive that contains many entries, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2015-1352 5.0The build_tablename function in pgsql.c in the PostgreSQL (aka pgsql) extension in PHP through 5.6.7 does not validate token extraction for table names, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a crafted name.
CVE-2015-1351 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the _zend_shared_memdup function in zend_shared_alloc.c in the OPcache extension in PHP through 5.6.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors.
CVE-2015-0273 7.5Multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities in ext/date/php_date.c in PHP before 5.4.38, 5.5.x before 5.5.22, and 5.6.x before 5.6.6 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted serialized input containing a (1) R or (2) r type specifier in (a) DateTimeZone data handled by the php_date_timezone_initialize_from_hash function or (b) DateTime data handled by the php_date_initialize_from_hash function.
CVE-2015-0232 6.8The exif_process_unicode function in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.4.37, 5.5.x before 5.5.21, and 5.6.x before 5.6.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (uninitialized pointer free and application crash) via crafted EXIF data in a JPEG image.
CVE-2015-0231 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the process_nested_data function in ext/standard/var_unserializer.re in PHP before 5.4.37, 5.5.x before 5.5.21, and 5.6.x before 5.6.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted unserialize call that leverages improper handling of duplicate numerical keys within the serialized properties of an object. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2014-8142.
CVE-2015-0228 5.0The lua_websocket_read function in lua_request.c in the mod_lua module in the Apache HTTP Server through 2.4.12 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (child-process crash) by sending a crafted WebSocket Ping frame after a Lua script has called the wsupgrade function.
CVE-2015-0204 4.3The ssl3_get_key_exchange function in s3_clnt.c in OpenSSL before 0.9.8zd, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0p, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1k allows remote SSL servers to conduct RSA-to-EXPORT_RSA downgrade attacks and facilitate brute-force decryption by offering a weak ephemeral RSA key in a noncompliant role, related to the "FREAK" issue. NOTE: the scope of this CVE is only client code based on OpenSSL, not EXPORT_RSA issues associated with servers or other TLS implementations.
CVE-2014-9912 7.5The get_icu_disp_value_src_php function in ext/intl/locale/locale_methods.c in PHP before 5.3.29, 5.4.x before 5.4.30, and 5.5.x before 5.5.14 does not properly restrict calls to the ICU uresbund.cpp component, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a locale_get_display_name call with a long first argument.
CVE-2014-9767 4.3Directory traversal vulnerability in the ZipArchive::extractTo function in ext/zip/php_zip.c in PHP before 5.4.45, 5.5.x before 5.5.29, and 5.6.x before 5.6.13 and ext/zip/ext_zip.cpp in HHVM before 3.12.1 allows remote attackers to create arbitrary empty directories via a crafted ZIP archive.
CVE-2014-9705 7.5Heap-based buffer overflow in the enchant_broker_request_dict function in ext/enchant/enchant.c in PHP before 5.4.38, 5.5.x before 5.5.22, and 5.6.x before 5.6.6 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors that trigger creation of multiple dictionaries.
CVE-2014-9653 7.5readelf.c in file before 5.22, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.37, 5.5.x before 5.5.21, and 5.6.x before 5.6.5, does not consider that pread calls sometimes read only a subset of the available data, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (uninitialized memory access) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted ELF file.
CVE-2014-9652 5.0The mconvert function in softmagic.c in file before 5.21, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.37, 5.5.x before 5.5.21, and 5.6.x before 5.6.5, does not properly handle a certain string-length field during a copy of a truncated version of a Pascal string, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds memory access and application crash) via a crafted file.
CVE-2014-9427 7.5sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in the CGI component in PHP through 5.4.36, 5.5.x through 5.5.20, and 5.6.x through 5.6.4, when mmap is used to read a .php file, does not properly consider the mapping's length during processing of an invalid file that begins with a # character and lacks a newline character, which causes an out-of-bounds read and might (1) allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from php-cgi process memory by leveraging the ability to upload a .php file or (2) trigger unexpected code execution if a valid PHP script is present in memory locations adjacent to the mapping.
CVE-2014-9426 7.5The apprentice_load function in libmagic/apprentice.c in the Fileinfo component in PHP through 5.6.4 attempts to perform a free operation on a stack-based character array, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption or application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors. NOTE: this is disputed by the vendor because the standard erealloc behavior makes the free operation unreachable
CVE-2014-9425 7.5Double free vulnerability in the zend_ts_hash_graceful_destroy function in zend_ts_hash.c in the Zend Engine in PHP through 5.5.20 and 5.6.x through 5.6.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors.
CVE-2014-8626 7.5Stack-based buffer overflow in the date_from_ISO8601 function in ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xmlrpc.c in PHP before 5.2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code by including a timezone field in a date, leading to improper XML-RPC encoding.
CVE-2014-8142 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the process_nested_data function in ext/standard/var_unserializer.re in PHP before 5.4.36, 5.5.x before 5.5.20, and 5.6.x before 5.6.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted unserialize call that leverages improper handling of duplicate keys within the serialized properties of an object, a different vulnerability than CVE-2004-1019.
CVE-2014-5459 3.6The PEAR_REST class in REST.php in PEAR in PHP through 5.6.0 allows local users to write to arbitrary files via a symlink attack on a (1) rest.cachefile or (2) rest.cacheid file in /tmp/pear/cache/, related to the retrieveCacheFirst and useLocalCache functions.
CVE-2014-4670 4.6Use-after-free vulnerability in ext/spl/spl_dllist.c in the SPL component in PHP through 5.5.14 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted iterator usage within applications in certain web-hosting environments.
CVE-2014-3981 3.3acinclude.m4, as used in the configure script in PHP 5.5.13 and earlier, allows local users to overwrite arbitrary files via a symlink attack on the /tmp/phpglibccheck file.
CVE-2014-3670 6.8The exif_ifd_make_value function in exif.c in the EXIF extension in PHP before 5.4.34, 5.5.x before 5.5.18, and 5.6.x before 5.6.2 operates on floating-point arrays incorrectly, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption and application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted JPEG image with TIFF thumbnail data that is improperly handled by the exif_thumbnail function.
CVE-2014-3669 7.5Integer overflow in the object_custom function in ext/standard/var_unserializer.c in PHP before 5.4.34, 5.5.x before 5.5.18, and 5.6.x before 5.6.2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via an argument to the unserialize function that triggers calculation of a large length value.
CVE-2014-3668 5.0Buffer overflow in the date_from_ISO8601 function in the mkgmtime implementation in libxmlrpc/xmlrpc.c in the XMLRPC extension in PHP before 5.4.34, 5.5.x before 5.5.18, and 5.6.x before 5.6.2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via (1) a crafted first argument to the xmlrpc_set_type function or (2) a crafted argument to the xmlrpc_decode function, related to an out-of-bounds read operation.
CVE-2014-3597 6.8Multiple buffer overflows in the php_parserr function in ext/standard/dns.c in PHP before 5.4.32 and 5.5.x before 5.5.16 allow remote DNS servers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted DNS record, related to the dns_get_record function and the dn_expand function. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2014-4049.
CVE-2014-3587 4.3Integer overflow in the cdf_read_property_info function in cdf.c in file through 5.19, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.32 and 5.5.x before 5.5.16, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted CDF file. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2012-1571.
CVE-2014-3515 7.5The SPL component in PHP before 5.4.30 and 5.5.x before 5.5.14 incorrectly anticipates that certain data structures will have the array data type after unserialization, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted string that triggers use of a Hashtable destructor, related to "type confusion" issues in (1) ArrayObject and (2) SPLObjectStorage.
CVE-2014-3487 4.3The cdf_read_property_info function in file before 5.19, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.30 and 5.5.x before 5.5.14, does not properly validate a stream offset, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted CDF file.
CVE-2014-3480 4.3The cdf_count_chain function in cdf.c in file before 5.19, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.30 and 5.5.x before 5.5.14, does not properly validate sector-count data, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted CDF file.
CVE-2014-3479 4.3The cdf_check_stream_offset function in cdf.c in file before 5.19, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.30 and 5.5.x before 5.5.14, relies on incorrect sector-size data, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted stream offset in a CDF file.
CVE-2014-3478 5.0Buffer overflow in the mconvert function in softmagic.c in file before 5.19, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.30 and 5.5.x before 5.5.14, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted Pascal string in a FILE_PSTRING conversion.
CVE-2014-2653 5.8The verify_host_key function in sshconnect.c in the client in OpenSSH 6.6 and earlier allows remote servers to trigger the skipping of SSHFP DNS RR checking by presenting an unacceptable HostCertificate.
CVE-2014-2532 5.8sshd in OpenSSH before 6.6 does not properly support wildcards on AcceptEnv lines in sshd_config, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended environment restrictions by using a substring located before a wildcard character.
CVE-2014-2497 4.3The gdImageCreateFromXpm function in gdxpm.c in libgd, as used in PHP 5.4.26 and earlier, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a crafted color table in an XPM file.
CVE-2014-2270 4.3softmagic.c in file before 5.17 and libmagic allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds memory access and crash) via crafted offsets in the softmagic of a PE executable.
CVE-2014-2020 5.0ext/gd/gd.c in PHP 5.5.x before 5.5.9 does not check data types, which might allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information by using a (1) string or (2) array data type in place of a numeric data type, as demonstrated by an imagecrop function call with a string for the x dimension value, a different vulnerability than CVE-2013-7226.
CVE-2014-1692 7.5The hash_buffer function in schnorr.c in OpenSSH through 6.4, when Makefile.inc is modified to enable the J-PAKE protocol, does not initialize certain data structures, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or have unspecified other impact via vectors that trigger an error condition.
CVE-2014-0238 5.0The cdf_read_property_info function in cdf.c in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.29 and 5.5.x before 5.5.13 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop or out-of-bounds memory access) via a vector that (1) has zero length or (2) is too long.
CVE-2014-0237 5.0The cdf_unpack_summary_info function in cdf.c in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.29 and 5.5.x before 5.5.13 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (performance degradation) by triggering many file_printf calls.
CVE-2014-0236 5.0file before 5.18, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.6.0, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a zero root_storage value in a CDF file, related to cdf.c and readcdf.c.
CVE-2014-0231 5.0The mod_cgid module in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.4.10 does not have a timeout mechanism, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (process hang) via a request to a CGI script that does not read from its stdin file descriptor.
CVE-2014-0226 6.8Race condition in the mod_status module in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.4.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer overflow), or possibly obtain sensitive credential information or execute arbitrary code, via a crafted request that triggers improper scoreboard handling within the status_handler function in modules/generators/mod_status.c and the lua_ap_scoreboard_worker function in modules/lua/lua_request.c.
CVE-2014-0207 4.3The cdf_read_short_sector function in cdf.c in file before 5.19, as used in the Fileinfo component in PHP before 5.4.30 and 5.5.x before 5.5.14, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (assertion failure and application exit) via a crafted CDF file.
CVE-2014-0118 4.3The deflate_in_filter function in mod_deflate.c in the mod_deflate module in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.4.10, when request body decompression is enabled, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (resource consumption) via crafted request data that decompresses to a much larger size.
CVE-2014-0098 5.0The log_cookie function in mod_log_config.c in the mod_log_config module in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.4.8 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault and daemon crash) via a crafted cookie that is not properly handled during truncation.
CVE-2013-7456 6.8gd_interpolation.c in the GD Graphics Library (aka libgd) before 2.1.1, as used in PHP before 5.5.36, 5.6.x before 5.6.22, and 7.x before 7.0.7, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted image that is mishandled by the imagescale function.
CVE-2013-7327 6.8The gdImageCrop function in ext/gd/gd.c in PHP 5.5.x before 5.5.9 does not check return values, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via invalid imagecrop arguments that lead to use of a NULL pointer as a return value, a different vulnerability than CVE-2013-7226.
CVE-2013-6712 5.0The scan function in ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c in PHP through 5.5.6 does not properly restrict creation of DateInterval objects, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer over-read) via a crafted interval specification.
CVE-2013-6501 4.6The default soap.wsdl_cache_dir setting in (1) php.ini-production and (2) php.ini-development in PHP through 5.6.7 specifies the /tmp directory, which makes it easier for local users to conduct WSDL injection attacks by creating a file under /tmp with a predictable filename that is used by the get_sdl function in ext/soap/php_sdl.c.
CVE-2013-6438 5.0The dav_xml_get_cdata function in main/util.c in the mod_dav module in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.4.8 does not properly remove whitespace characters from CDATA sections, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) via a crafted DAV WRITE request.
CVE-2013-6420 7.5The asn1_time_to_time_t function in ext/openssl/openssl.c in PHP before 5.3.28, 5.4.x before 5.4.23, and 5.5.x before 5.5.7 does not properly parse (1) notBefore and (2) notAfter timestamps in X.509 certificates, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a crafted certificate that is not properly handled by the openssl_x509_parse function.
CVE-2013-5704 5.0The mod_headers module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.22 allows remote attackers to bypass "RequestHeader unset" directives by placing a header in the trailer portion of data sent with chunked transfer coding. NOTE: the vendor states "this is not a security issue in httpd as such."
CVE-2013-4635 5.0Integer overflow in the SdnToJewish function in jewish.c in the Calendar component in PHP before 5.3.26 and 5.4.x before 5.4.16 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application hang) via a large argument to the jdtojewish function.
CVE-2013-4365 7.5Heap-based buffer overflow in the fcgid_header_bucket_read function in fcgid_bucket.c in the mod_fcgid module before 2.3.9 for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to have an unspecified impact via unknown vectors.
CVE-2013-4248 4.3The openssl_x509_parse function in openssl.c in the OpenSSL module in PHP before 5.4.18 and 5.5.x before 5.5.2 does not properly handle a '\0' character in a domain name in the Subject Alternative Name field of an X.509 certificate, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof arbitrary SSL servers via a crafted certificate issued by a legitimate Certification Authority, a related issue to CVE-2009-2408.
CVE-2013-3735 5.0The Zend Engine in PHP before 5.4.16 RC1, and 5.5.0 before RC2, does not properly determine whether a parser error occurred, which allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption and application crash) via a crafted function definition, as demonstrated by an attack within a shared web-hosting environment. NOTE: the vendor's http://php.net/security-note.php page says "for critical security situations you should be using OS-level security by running multiple web servers each as their own user id.
CVE-2013-2765 5.0The ModSecurity module before 2.7.4 for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference, process crash, and disk consumption) via a POST request with a large body and a crafted Content-Type header.
CVE-2013-2220 7.5Buffer overflow in the radius_get_vendor_attr function in the Radius extension before 1.2.7 for PHP allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a large Vendor Specific Attributes (VSA) length value.
CVE-2013-2110 5.0Heap-based buffer overflow in the php_quot_print_encode function in ext/standard/quot_print.c in PHP before 5.3.26 and 5.4.x before 5.4.16 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted argument to the quoted_printable_encode function.
CVE-2013-1896 4.3mod_dav.c in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.2.25 does not properly determine whether DAV is enabled for a URI, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) via a MERGE request in which the URI is configured for handling by the mod_dav_svn module, but a certain href attribute in XML data refers to a non-DAV URI.
CVE-2013-1862 5.1mod_rewrite.c in the mod_rewrite module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.25 writes data to a log file without sanitizing non-printable characters, which might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via an HTTP request containing an escape sequence for a terminal emulator.
CVE-2013-1824 4.3The SOAP parser in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.12 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a SOAP WSDL file containing an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue in the soap_xmlParseFile and soap_xmlParseMemory functions.
CVE-2013-1643 5.0The SOAP parser in PHP before 5.3.23 and 5.4.x before 5.4.13 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a SOAP WSDL file containing an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue in the soap_xmlParseFile and soap_xmlParseMemory functions. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incorrect fix for CVE-2013-1824.
CVE-2013-1635 7.5ext/soap/soap.c in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.13 does not validate the relationship between the soap.wsdl_cache_dir directive and the open_basedir directive, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by triggering the creation of cached SOAP WSDL files in an arbitrary directory.
CVE-2013-0942 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in EMC RSA Authentication Agent 7.1 before 7.1.1 for Web for Internet Information Services, and 7.1 before 7.1.1 for Web for Apache, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2013-0941 2.1EMC RSA Authentication API before 8.1 SP1, RSA Web Agent before 5.3.5 for Apache Web Server, RSA Web Agent before 5.3.5 for IIS, RSA PAM Agent before 7.0, and RSA Agent before 6.1.4 for Microsoft Windows use an improper encryption algorithm and a weak key for maintaining the stored data of the node secret for the SecurID Authentication API, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information via cryptographic attacks on this data.
CVE-2012-4558 4.3Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the balancer_handler function in the manager interface in mod_proxy_balancer.c in the mod_proxy_balancer module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.24-dev and 2.4.x before 2.4.4 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted string.
CVE-2012-4360 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the mod_pagespeed module through for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-4001 5.0The mod_pagespeed module before for the Apache HTTP Server does not properly verify its host name, which allows remote attackers to trigger HTTP requests to arbitrary hosts via unspecified vectors, as demonstrated by requests to intranet servers.
CVE-2012-3526 5.0The reverse proxy add forward module (mod_rpaf) 0.5 and 0.6 for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (server or application crash) via multiple X-Forwarded-For headers in a request.
CVE-2012-3499 4.3Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.24-dev and 2.4.x before 2.4.4 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via vectors involving hostnames and URIs in the (1) mod_imagemap, (2) mod_info, (3) mod_ldap, (4) mod_proxy_ftp, and (5) mod_status modules.
CVE-2012-3450 2.6pdo_sql_parser.re in the PDO extension in PHP before 5.3.14 and 5.4.x before 5.4.4 does not properly determine the end of the query string during parsing of prepared statements, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) via a crafted parameter value.
CVE-2012-3365 5.0The SQLite functionality in PHP before 5.3.15 allows remote attackers to bypass the open_basedir protection mechanism via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2012-2688 10.0Unspecified vulnerability in the _php_stream_scandir function in the stream implementation in PHP before 5.3.15 and 5.4.x before 5.4.5 has unknown impact and remote attack vectors, related to an "overflow."
CVE-2012-2687 2.6Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the make_variant_list function in mod_negotiation.c in the mod_negotiation module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.x before 2.4.3, when the MultiViews option is enabled, allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a crafted filename that is not properly handled during construction of a variant list.
CVE-2012-2386 7.5Integer overflow in the phar_parse_tarfile function in tar.c in the phar extension in PHP before 5.3.14 and 5.4.x before 5.4.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted tar file that triggers a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2012-2376 10.0Buffer overflow in the com_print_typeinfo function in PHP 5.4.3 and earlier on Windows allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted arguments that trigger incorrect handling of COM object VARIANT types, as exploited in the wild in May 2012.
CVE-2012-2336 5.0sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in PHP before 5.3.13 and 5.4.x before 5.4.3, when configured as a CGI script (aka php-cgi), does not properly handle query strings that lack an = (equals sign) character, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (resource consumption) by placing command-line options in the query string, related to lack of skipping a certain php_getopt for the 'T' case. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2012-1823.
CVE-2012-2311 7.5sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in PHP before 5.3.13 and 5.4.x before 5.4.3, when configured as a CGI script (aka php-cgi), does not properly handle query strings that contain a %3D sequence but no = (equals sign) character, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by placing command-line options in the query string, related to lack of skipping a certain php_getopt for the 'd' case. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2012-1823.
CVE-2012-2143 4.3The crypt_des (aka DES-based crypt) function in FreeBSD before 9.0-RELEASE-p2, as used in PHP, PostgreSQL, and other products, does not process the complete cleartext password if this password contains a 0x80 character, which makes it easier for context-dependent attackers to obtain access via an authentication attempt with an initial substring of the intended password, as demonstrated by a Unicode password.
CVE-2012-1823 7.5sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in PHP before 5.3.12 and 5.4.x before 5.4.2, when configured as a CGI script (aka php-cgi), does not properly handle query strings that lack an = (equals sign) character, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by placing command-line options in the query string, related to lack of skipping a certain php_getopt for the 'd' case.
CVE-2012-1172 5.8The file-upload implementation in rfc1867.c in PHP before 5.4.0 does not properly handle invalid [ (open square bracket) characters in name values, which makes it easier for remote attackers to cause a denial of service (malformed $_FILES indexes) or conduct directory traversal attacks during multi-file uploads by leveraging a script that lacks its own filename restrictions.
CVE-2012-1171 5.0The libxml RSHUTDOWN function in PHP 5.x allows remote attackers to bypass the open_basedir protection mechanism and read arbitrary files via vectors involving a stream_close method call during use of a custom stream wrapper.
CVE-2012-0883 6.9envvars (aka envvars-std) in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.4.2 places a zero-length directory name in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which allows local users to gain privileges via a Trojan horse DSO in the current working directory during execution of apachectl.
CVE-2012-0831 6.8PHP before 5.3.10 does not properly perform a temporary change to the magic_quotes_gpc directive during the importing of environment variables, which makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct SQL injection attacks via a crafted request, related to main/php_variables.c, sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c, and sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_main.c.
CVE-2012-0814 3.5The auth_parse_options function in auth-options.c in sshd in OpenSSH before 5.7 provides debug messages containing authorized_keys command options, which allows remote authenticated users to obtain potentially sensitive information by reading these messages, as demonstrated by the shared user account required by Gitolite. NOTE: this can cross privilege boundaries because a user account may intentionally have no shell or filesystem access, and therefore may have no supported way to read an authorized_keys file in its own home directory.
CVE-2012-0789 5.0Memory leak in the timezone functionality in PHP before 5.3.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) by triggering many strtotime function calls, which are not properly handled by the php_date_parse_tzfile cache.
CVE-2012-0788 5.0The PDORow implementation in PHP before 5.3.9 does not properly interact with the session feature, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a crafted application that uses a PDO driver for a fetch and then calls the session_start function, as demonstrated by a crash of the Apache HTTP Server.
CVE-2012-0057 6.4PHP before 5.3.9 has improper libxslt security settings, which allows remote attackers to create arbitrary files via a crafted XSLT stylesheet that uses the libxslt output extension.
CVE-2012-0053 4.3protocol.c in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x through 2.2.21 does not properly restrict header information during construction of Bad Request (aka 400) error documents, which allows remote attackers to obtain the values of HTTPOnly cookies via vectors involving a (1) long or (2) malformed header in conjunction with crafted web script.
CVE-2012-0031 4.6scoreboard.c in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.21 and earlier might allow local users to cause a denial of service (daemon crash during shutdown) or possibly have unspecified other impact by modifying a certain type field within a scoreboard shared memory segment, leading to an invalid call to the free function.
CVE-2011-5000 3.5The ssh_gssapi_parse_ename function in gss-serv.c in OpenSSH 5.8 and earlier, when gssapi-with-mic authentication is enabled, allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a large value in a certain length field. NOTE: there may be limited scenarios in which this issue is relevant.
CVE-2011-4885 5.0PHP before 5.3.9 computes hash values for form parameters without restricting the ability to trigger hash collisions predictably, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) by sending many crafted parameters.
CVE-2011-4718 6.8Session fixation vulnerability in the Sessions subsystem in PHP before 5.5.2 allows remote attackers to hijack web sessions by specifying a session ID.
CVE-2011-4415 1.2The ap_pregsub function in server/util.c in the Apache HTTP Server 2.0.x through 2.0.64 and 2.2.x through 2.2.21, when the mod_setenvif module is enabled, does not restrict the size of values of environment variables, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (memory consumption or NULL pointer dereference) via a .htaccess file with a crafted SetEnvIf directive, in conjunction with a crafted HTTP request header, related to (1) the "len +=" statement and (2) the apr_pcalloc function call, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-3607.
CVE-2011-4327 2.1ssh-keysign.c in ssh-keysign in OpenSSH before 5.8p2 on certain platforms executes ssh-rand-helper with unintended open file descriptors, which allows local users to obtain sensitive key information via the ptrace system call.
CVE-2011-4317 4.3The mod_proxy module in the Apache HTTP Server 1.3.x through 1.3.42, 2.0.x through 2.0.64, and 2.2.x through 2.2.21, when the Revision 1179239 patch is in place, does not properly interact with use of (1) RewriteRule and (2) ProxyPassMatch pattern matches for configuration of a reverse proxy, which allows remote attackers to send requests to intranet servers via a malformed URI containing an @ (at sign) character and a : (colon) character in invalid positions. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2011-3368.
CVE-2011-3639 4.3The mod_proxy module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.0.x through 2.0.64 and 2.2.x before 2.2.18, when the Revision 1179239 patch is in place, does not properly interact with use of (1) RewriteRule and (2) ProxyPassMatch pattern matches for configuration of a reverse proxy, which allows remote attackers to send requests to intranet servers by using the HTTP/0.9 protocol with a malformed URI containing an initial @ (at sign) character. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2011-3368.
CVE-2011-3607 4.4Integer overflow in the ap_pregsub function in server/util.c in the Apache HTTP Server 2.0.x through 2.0.64 and 2.2.x through 2.2.21, when the mod_setenvif module is enabled, allows local users to gain privileges via a .htaccess file with a crafted SetEnvIf directive, in conjunction with a crafted HTTP request header, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2011-3368 5.0The mod_proxy module in the Apache HTTP Server 1.3.x through 1.3.42, 2.0.x through 2.0.64, and 2.2.x through 2.2.21 does not properly interact with use of (1) RewriteRule and (2) ProxyPassMatch pattern matches for configuration of a reverse proxy, which allows remote attackers to send requests to intranet servers via a malformed URI containing an initial @ (at sign) character.
CVE-2011-3268 10.0Buffer overflow in the crypt function in PHP before 5.3.7 allows context-dependent attackers to have an unspecified impact via a long salt argument, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-2483.
CVE-2011-3267 5.0PHP before 5.3.7 does not properly implement the error_log function, which allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2011-3192 7.8The byterange filter in the Apache HTTP Server 1.3.x, 2.0.x through 2.0.64, and 2.2.x through 2.2.19 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory and CPU consumption) via a Range header that expresses multiple overlapping ranges, as exploited in the wild in August 2011, a different vulnerability than CVE-2007-0086.
CVE-2011-3182 5.0PHP before 5.3.7 does not properly check the return values of the malloc, calloc, and realloc library functions, which allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) or trigger a buffer overflow by leveraging the ability to provide an arbitrary value for a function argument, related to (1) ext/curl/interface.c, (2) ext/date/lib/parse_date.c, (3) ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c, (4) ext/date/lib/parse_tz.c, (5) ext/date/lib/timelib.c, (6) ext/pdo_odbc/pdo_odbc.c, (7) ext/reflection/php_reflection.c, (8) ext/soap/php_sdl.c, (9) ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/base64.c, (10) TSRM/tsrm_win32.c, and (11) the strtotime function.
CVE-2011-2688 7.5SQL injection vulnerability in mysql/mysql-auth.pl in the mod_authnz_external module 3.2.5 and earlier for the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the user field.
CVE-2011-2483 5.0crypt_blowfish before 1.1, as used in PHP before 5.3.7 on certain platforms, PostgreSQL before 8.4.9, and other products, does not properly handle 8-bit characters, which makes it easier for context-dependent attackers to determine a cleartext password by leveraging knowledge of a password hash.
CVE-2011-2202 6.4The rfc1867_post_handler function in main/rfc1867.c in PHP before 5.3.7 does not properly restrict filenames in multipart/form-data POST requests, which allows remote attackers to conduct absolute path traversal attacks, and possibly create or overwrite arbitrary files, via a crafted upload request, related to a "file path injection vulnerability."
CVE-2011-1939 7.5SQL injection vulnerability in Zend Framework 1.10.x before 1.10.9 and 1.11.x before 1.11.6 when using non-ASCII-compatible encodings in conjunction PDO_MySql in PHP before 5.3.6.
CVE-2011-1471 4.3Integer signedness error in zip_stream.c in the Zip extension in PHP before 5.3.6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via a malformed archive file that triggers errors in zip_fread function calls.
CVE-2011-1470 4.3The Zip extension in PHP before 5.3.6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a ziparchive stream that is not properly handled by the stream_get_contents function.
CVE-2011-1469 4.3Unspecified vulnerability in the Streams component in PHP before 5.3.6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) by accessing an ftp:// URL during use of an HTTP proxy with the FTP wrapper.
CVE-2011-1468 4.3Multiple memory leaks in the OpenSSL extension in PHP before 5.3.6 might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via (1) plaintext data to the openssl_encrypt function or (2) ciphertext data to the openssl_decrypt function.
CVE-2011-1467 5.0Unspecified vulnerability in the NumberFormatter::setSymbol (aka numfmt_set_symbol) function in the Intl extension in PHP before 5.3.6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via an invalid argument, a related issue to CVE-2010-4409.
CVE-2011-1466 5.0Integer overflow in the SdnToJulian function in the Calendar extension in PHP before 5.3.6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a large integer in the first argument to the cal_from_jd function.
CVE-2011-1464 4.3Buffer overflow in the strval function in PHP before 5.3.6, when the precision configuration option has a large value, might allow context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via a small numerical value in the argument.
CVE-2011-1398 4.3The sapi_header_op function in main/SAPI.c in PHP before 5.3.11 and 5.4.x before 5.4.0RC2 does not check for %0D sequences (aka carriage return characters), which allows remote attackers to bypass an HTTP response-splitting protection mechanism via a crafted URL, related to improper interaction between the PHP header function and certain browsers, as demonstrated by Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.
CVE-2011-1176 4.3The configuration merger in itk.c in the Steinar H. Gunderson mpm-itk Multi-Processing Module 2.2.11-01 and 2.2.11-02 for the Apache HTTP Server does not properly handle certain configuration sections that specify NiceValue but not AssignUserID, which might allow remote attackers to gain privileges by leveraging the root uid and root gid of an mpm-itk process.
CVE-2011-1153 7.5Multiple format string vulnerabilities in phar_object.c in the phar extension in PHP 5.3.5 and earlier allow context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory, cause a denial of service (memory corruption), or possibly execute arbitrary code via format string specifiers in an argument to a class method, leading to an incorrect zend_throw_exception_ex call.
CVE-2011-1148 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the substr_replace function in PHP 5.3.6 and earlier allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or possibly have unspecified other impact by using the same variable for multiple arguments.
CVE-2011-1092 7.5Integer overflow in ext/shmop/shmop.c in PHP before 5.3.6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly read sensitive memory via a large third argument to the shmop_read function.
CVE-2011-0755 5.0Integer overflow in the mt_rand function in PHP before 5.3.4 might make it easier for context-dependent attackers to predict the return values by leveraging a script's use of a large max parameter, as demonstrated by a value that exceeds mt_getrandmax.
CVE-2011-0754 4.4The SplFileInfo::getType function in the Standard PHP Library (SPL) extension in PHP before 5.3.4 on Windows does not properly detect symbolic links, which might make it easier for local users to conduct symlink attacks by leveraging cross-platform differences in the stat structure, related to lack of a FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT check.
CVE-2011-0753 4.3Race condition in the PCNTL extension in PHP before 5.3.4, when a user-defined signal handler exists, might allow context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a large number of concurrent signals.
CVE-2011-0752 5.0The extract function in PHP before 5.2.15 does not prevent use of the EXTR_OVERWRITE parameter to overwrite (1) the GLOBALS superglobal array and (2) the this variable, which allows context-dependent attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by modifying data structures that were not intended to depend on external input, a related issue to CVE-2005-2691 and CVE-2006-3758.
CVE-2011-0708 4.3exif.c in the Exif extension in PHP before 5.3.6 on 64-bit platforms performs an incorrect cast, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via an image with a crafted Image File Directory (IFD) that triggers a buffer over-read.
CVE-2011-0421 4.3The _zip_name_locate function in zip_name_locate.c in the Zip extension in PHP before 5.3.6 does not properly handle a ZIPARCHIVE::FL_UNCHANGED argument, which might allow context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference) via an empty ZIP archive that is processed with a (1) locateName or (2) statName operation.
CVE-2011-0419 4.3Stack consumption vulnerability in the fnmatch implementation in apr_fnmatch.c in the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library before 1.4.3 and the Apache HTTP Server before 2.2.18, and in fnmatch.c in libc in NetBSD 5.1, OpenBSD 4.8, FreeBSD, Apple Mac OS X 10.6, Oracle Solaris 10, and Android, allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU and memory consumption) via *? sequences in the first argument, as demonstrated by attacks against mod_autoindex in httpd.
CVE-2010-5107 5.0The default configuration of OpenSSH through 6.1 enforces a fixed time limit between establishing a TCP connection and completing a login, which makes it easier for remote attackers to cause a denial of service (connection-slot exhaustion) by periodically making many new TCP connections.
CVE-2010-4755 4.0The (1) remote_glob function in sftp-glob.c and the (2) process_put function in sftp.c in OpenSSH 5.8 and earlier, as used in FreeBSD 7.3 and 8.1, NetBSD 5.0.2, OpenBSD 4.7, and other products, allow remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (CPU and memory consumption) via crafted glob expressions that do not match any pathnames, as demonstrated by glob expressions in SSH_FXP_STAT requests to an sftp daemon, a different vulnerability than CVE-2010-2632.
CVE-2010-4699 5.0The iconv_mime_decode_headers function in the Iconv extension in PHP before 5.3.4 does not properly handle encodings that are unrecognized by the iconv and mbstring (aka Multibyte String) implementations, which allows remote attackers to trigger an incomplete output array, and possibly bypass spam detection or have unspecified other impact, via a crafted Subject header in an e-mail message, as demonstrated by the ks_c_5601-1987 character set.
CVE-2010-4697 6.8Use-after-free vulnerability in the Zend engine in PHP before 5.2.15 and 5.3.x before 5.3.4 might allow context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption) or have unspecified other impact via vectors related to use of __set, __get, __isset, and __unset methods on objects accessed by a reference.
CVE-2010-4657 5.0PHP5 before 5.4.4 allows passing invalid utf-8 strings via the xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute, which are then misparsed by libxml2. This results in memory leak into the resulting output.
CVE-2010-4645 5.0strtod.c, as used in the zend_strtod function in PHP 5.2 before 5.2.17 and 5.3 before 5.3.5, and other products, allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop) via a certain floating-point value in scientific notation, which is not properly handled in x87 FPU registers, as demonstrated using 2.2250738585072011e-308.
CVE-2010-4478 7.5OpenSSH 5.6 and earlier, when J-PAKE is enabled, does not properly validate the public parameters in the J-PAKE protocol, which allows remote attackers to bypass the need for knowledge of the shared secret, and successfully authenticate, by sending crafted values in each round of the protocol, a related issue to CVE-2010-4252.
CVE-2010-4409 5.0Integer overflow in the NumberFormatter::getSymbol (aka numfmt_get_symbol) function in PHP 5.3.3 and earlier allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via an invalid argument.
CVE-2010-3870 6.8The utf8_decode function in PHP before 5.3.4 does not properly handle non-shortest form UTF-8 encoding and ill-formed subsequences in UTF-8 data, which makes it easier for remote attackers to bypass cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection protection mechanisms via a crafted string.
CVE-2010-3710 4.3Stack consumption vulnerability in the filter_var function in PHP 5.2.x through 5.2.14 and 5.3.x through 5.3.3, when FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL mode is used, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption and application crash) via a long e-mail address string.
CVE-2010-3709 4.3The ZipArchive::getArchiveComment function in PHP 5.2.x through 5.2.14 and 5.3.x through 5.3.3 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and application crash) via a crafted ZIP archive.
CVE-2010-3682 4.0Oracle MySQL 5.1 before 5.1.49 and 5.0 before 5.0.92 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (mysqld daemon crash) by using EXPLAIN with crafted "SELECT ... UNION ... ORDER BY (SELECT ... WHERE ...)" statements, which triggers a NULL pointer dereference in the Item_singlerow_subselect::store function.
CVE-2010-3677 4.0Oracle MySQL 5.1 before 5.1.49 and 5.0 before 5.0.92 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (mysqld daemon crash) via a join query that uses a table with a unique SET column.
CVE-2010-3436 5.0fopen_wrappers.c in PHP 5.3.x through 5.3.3 might allow remote attackers to bypass open_basedir restrictions via vectors related to the length of a filename.
CVE-2010-3065 5.0The default session serializer in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 does not properly handle the PS_UNDEF_MARKER marker, which allows context-dependent attackers to modify arbitrary session variables via a crafted session variable name.
CVE-2010-2531 4.3The var_export function in PHP 5.2 before 5.2.14 and 5.3 before 5.3.3 flushes the output buffer to the user when certain fatal errors occur, even if display_errors is off, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information by causing the application to exceed limits for memory, execution time, or recursion.
CVE-2010-2484 5.0The strrchr function in PHP 5.2 before 5.2.14 allows context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) or trigger memory corruption by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function or handler.
CVE-2010-2225 7.5Use-after-free vulnerability in the SplObjectStorage unserializer in PHP 5.2.x and 5.3.x through 5.3.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or obtain sensitive information via serialized data, related to the PHP unserialize function.
CVE-2010-2191 6.4The (1) parse_str, (2) preg_match, (3) unpack, and (4) pack functions; the (5) ZEND_FETCH_RW, (6) ZEND_CONCAT, and (7) ZEND_ASSIGN_CONCAT opcodes; and the (8) ArrayObject::uasort method in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allow context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) or trigger memory corruption by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function or handler. NOTE: vectors 2 through 4 are related to the call time pass by reference feature.
CVE-2010-2190 5.0The (1) trim, (2) ltrim, (3) rtrim, and (4) substr_replace functions in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allow context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function, related to the call time pass by reference feature.
CVE-2010-2101 5.0The (1) strip_tags, (2) setcookie, (3) strtok, (4) wordwrap, (5) str_word_count, and (6) str_pad functions in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allow context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function, related to the call time pass by reference feature.
CVE-2010-2100 5.0The (1) htmlentities, (2) htmlspecialchars, (3) str_getcsv, (4) http_build_query, (5) strpbrk, and (6) strtr functions in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allow context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function, related to the call time pass by reference feature.
CVE-2010-2097 5.0The (1) iconv_mime_decode, (2) iconv_substr, and (3) iconv_mime_encode functions in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allow context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function, related to the call time pass by reference feature.
CVE-2010-2093 5.0Use-after-free vulnerability in the request shutdown functionality in PHP 5.2 before 5.2.13 and 5.3 before 5.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a stream context structure that is freed before destruction occurs.
CVE-2010-1917 5.0Stack consumption vulnerability in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (PHP crash) via a crafted first argument to the fnmatch function, as demonstrated using a long string.
CVE-2010-1915 5.0The preg_quote function in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function, related to the call time pass by reference feature, modification of ZVALs whose values are not updated in the associated local variables, and access of previously-freed memory.
CVE-2010-1914 5.0The Zend Engine in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information by interrupting the handler for the (1) ZEND_BW_XOR opcode (shift_left_function), (2) ZEND_SL opcode (bitwise_xor_function), or (3) ZEND_SR opcode (shift_right_function), related to the convert_to_long_base function.
CVE-2010-1868 7.5The (1) sqlite_single_query and (2) sqlite_array_query functions in ext/sqlite/sqlite.c in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allow context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code by calling these functions with an empty SQL query, which triggers access of uninitialized memory.
CVE-2010-1864 5.0The addcslashes function in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function, related to the call time pass by reference feature.
CVE-2010-1862 5.0The chunk_split function in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) by causing a userspace interruption of an internal function, related to the call time pass by reference feature.
CVE-2010-1861 6.4The sysvshm extension for PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to write to arbitrary memory addresses by using an object's __sleep function to interrupt an internal call to the shm_put_var function, which triggers access of a freed resource.
CVE-2010-1860 5.0The html_entity_decode function in PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 allows context-dependent attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) or trigger memory corruption by causing a userspace interruption of an internal call, related to the call time pass by reference feature.
CVE-2010-1626 3.6MySQL before 5.1.46 allows local users to delete the data and index files of another user's MyISAM table via a symlink attack in conjunction with the DROP TABLE command, a different vulnerability than CVE-2008-4098 and CVE-2008-7247.
CVE-2010-1623 5.0Memory leak in the apr_brigade_split_line function in buckets/apr_brigade.c in the Apache Portable Runtime Utility library (aka APR-util) before 1.3.10, as used in the mod_reqtimeout module in the Apache HTTP Server and other software, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via unspecified vectors related to the destruction of an APR bucket.
CVE-2010-1621 5.0The mysql_uninstall_plugin function in sql/sql_plugin.cc in MySQL 5.1 before 5.1.46 does not check privileges before uninstalling a plugin, which allows remote attackers to uninstall arbitrary plugins via the UNINSTALL PLUGIN command.
CVE-2010-1452 5.0The (1) mod_cache and (2) mod_dav modules in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.16 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (process crash) via a request that lacks a path.
CVE-2010-1130 5.0session.c in the session extension in PHP before 5.2.13, and 5.3.1, does not properly interpret ; (semicolon) characters in the argument to the session_save_path function, which allows context-dependent attackers to bypass open_basedir and safe_mode restrictions via an argument that contains multiple ; characters in conjunction with a .. (dot dot).
CVE-2010-1129 7.5The safe_mode implementation in PHP before 5.2.13 does not properly handle directory pathnames that lack a trailing / (slash) character, which allows context-dependent attackers to bypass intended access restrictions via vectors related to use of the tempnam function.
CVE-2010-1128 6.4The Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) in PHP before 5.2.13 does not provide the expected entropy, which makes it easier for context-dependent attackers to guess values that were intended to be unpredictable, as demonstrated by session cookies generated by using the uniqid function.
CVE-2010-0434 4.3The ap_read_request function in server/protocol.c in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.15, when a multithreaded MPM is used, does not properly handle headers in subrequests in certain circumstances involving a parent request that has a body, which might allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information via a crafted request that triggers access to memory locations associated with an earlier request.
CVE-2010-0425 10.0modules/arch/win32/mod_isapi.c in mod_isapi in the Apache HTTP Server 2.0.37 through 2.0.63, 2.2.0 through 2.2.14, and 2.3.x before 2.3.7, when running on Windows, does not ensure that request processing is complete before calling isapi_unload for an ISAPI .dll module, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors related to a crafted request, a reset packet, and "orphaned callback pointers."
CVE-2010-0408 5.0The ap_proxy_ajp_request function in mod_proxy_ajp.c in mod_proxy_ajp in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.15 does not properly handle certain situations in which a client sends no request body, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (backend server outage) via a crafted request, related to use of a 500 error code instead of the appropriate 400 error code.
CVE-2009-5016 6.8Integer overflow in the xml_utf8_decode function in ext/xml/xml.c in PHP before 5.2.11 makes it easier for remote attackers to bypass cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection protection mechanisms via a crafted string that uses overlong UTF-8 encoding, a different vulnerability than CVE-2010-3870.
CVE-2009-4418 5.0The unserialize function in PHP 5.3.0 and earlier allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (resource consumption) via a deeply nested serialized variable, as demonstrated by a string beginning with a:1: followed by many {a:1: sequences.
CVE-2009-4143 10.0PHP before 5.2.12 does not properly handle session data, which has unspecified impact and attack vectors related to (1) interrupt corruption of the SESSION superglobal array and (2) the session.save_path directive.
CVE-2009-4142 4.3The htmlspecialchars function in PHP before 5.2.12 does not properly handle (1) overlong UTF-8 sequences, (2) invalid Shift_JIS sequences, and (3) invalid EUC-JP sequences, which allows remote attackers to conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by placing a crafted byte sequence before a special character.
CVE-2009-4028 6.8The vio_verify_callback function in viosslfactories.c in MySQL 5.0.x before 5.0.88 and 5.1.x before 5.1.41, when OpenSSL is used, accepts a value of zero for the depth of X.509 certificates, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof arbitrary SSL-based MySQL servers via a crafted certificate, as demonstrated by a certificate presented by a server linked against the yaSSL library.
CVE-2009-4018 7.5The proc_open function in ext/standard/proc_open.c in PHP before 5.2.11 and 5.3.x before 5.3.1 does not enforce the (1) safe_mode_allowed_env_vars and (2) safe_mode_protected_env_vars directives, which allows context-dependent attackers to execute programs with an arbitrary environment via the env parameter, as demonstrated by a crafted value of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
CVE-2009-4017 5.0PHP before 5.2.12 and 5.3.x before 5.3.1 does not restrict the number of temporary files created when handling a multipart/form-data POST request, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (resource exhaustion), and makes it easier for remote attackers to exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities, via multiple requests, related to lack of support for the max_file_uploads directive.
CVE-2009-3720 5.0The updatePosition function in lib/xmltok_impl.c in libexpat in Expat 2.0.1, as used in Python, PyXML, w3c-libwww, and other software, allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via an XML document with crafted UTF-8 sequences that trigger a buffer over-read, a different vulnerability than CVE-2009-2625.
CVE-2009-3560 5.0The big2_toUtf8 function in lib/xmltok.c in libexpat in Expat 2.0.1, as used in the XML-Twig module for Perl, allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) via an XML document with malformed UTF-8 sequences that trigger a buffer over-read, related to the doProlog function in lib/xmlparse.c, a different vulnerability than CVE-2009-2625 and CVE-2009-3720.
CVE-2009-3558 6.8The posix_mkfifo function in ext/posix/posix.c in PHP before 5.2.12 and 5.3.x before 5.3.1 allows context-dependent attackers to bypass open_basedir restrictions, and create FIFO files, via the pathname and mode arguments, as demonstrated by creating a .htaccess file.
CVE-2009-3557 5.0The tempnam function in ext/standard/file.c in PHP before 5.2.12 and 5.3.x before 5.3.1 allows context-dependent attackers to bypass safe_mode restrictions, and create files in group-writable or world-writable directories, via the dir and prefix arguments.
CVE-2009-3555 5.8The TLS protocol, and the SSL protocol 3.0 and possibly earlier, as used in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, mod_ssl in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 and earlier, OpenSSL before 0.9.8l, GnuTLS 2.8.5 and earlier, Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.12.4 and earlier, multiple Cisco products, and other products, does not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to insert data into HTTPS sessions, and possibly other types of sessions protected by TLS or SSL, by sending an unauthenticated request that is processed retroactively by a server in a post-renegotiation context, related to a "plaintext injection" attack, aka the "Project Mogul" issue.
CVE-2009-3294 5.0The popen API function in TSRM/tsrm_win32.c in PHP before 5.2.11 and 5.3.x before 5.3.1, when running on certain Windows operating systems, allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a crafted (1) "e" or (2) "er" string in the second argument (aka mode), possibly related to the _fdopen function in the Microsoft C runtime library. NOTE: this might not cross privilege boundaries except in rare cases in which the mode argument is accessible to an attacker outside of an application that uses the popen function.
CVE-2009-3293 7.5Unspecified vulnerability in the imagecolortransparent function in PHP before 5.2.11 has unknown impact and attack vectors related to an incorrect "sanity check for the color index."
CVE-2009-3292 7.5Unspecified vulnerability in PHP before 5.2.11, and 5.3.x before 5.3.1, has unknown impact and attack vectors related to "missing sanity checks around exif processing."
CVE-2009-3291 7.5The php_openssl_apply_verification_policy function in PHP before 5.2.11 does not properly perform certificate validation, which has unknown impact and attack vectors, probably related to an ability to spoof certificates.
CVE-2009-3095 5.0The mod_proxy_ftp module in the Apache HTTP Server allows remote attackers to bypass intended access restrictions and send arbitrary commands to an FTP server via vectors related to the embedding of these commands in the Authorization HTTP header, as demonstrated by a certain module in VulnDisco Pack Professional 8.11.
CVE-2009-3094 2.6The ap_proxy_ftp_handler function in modules/proxy/proxy_ftp.c in the mod_proxy_ftp module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.0.63 and 2.2.13 allows remote FTP servers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and child process crash) via a malformed reply to an EPSV command.
CVE-2009-2942 7.5The mysql-ocaml bindings 1.0.4 for MySQL do not properly support the mysql_real_escape_string function, which might allow remote attackers to leverage escaping issues involving multibyte character encodings.
CVE-2009-2904 6.9A certain Red Hat modification to the ChrootDirectory feature in OpenSSH 4.8, as used in sshd in OpenSSH 4.3 in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.4 and Fedora 11, allows local users to gain privileges via hard links to setuid programs that use configuration files within the chroot directory, related to requirements for directory ownership.
CVE-2009-2699 5.0The Solaris pollset feature in the Event Port backend in poll/unix/port.c in the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library before 1.3.9, as used in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.2.14 and other products, does not properly handle errors, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon hang) via unspecified HTTP requests, related to the prefork and event MPMs.
CVE-2009-2687 4.3The exif_read_data function in the Exif module in PHP before 5.2.10 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a malformed JPEG image with invalid offset fields, a different issue than CVE-2005-3353.
CVE-2009-2626 6.4The zend_restore_ini_entry_cb function in zend_ini.c in PHP 5.3.0, 5.2.10, and earlier versions allows context-specific attackers to obtain sensitive information (memory contents) and cause a PHP crash by using the ini_set function to declare a variable, then using the ini_restore function to restore the variable.
CVE-2009-2299 5.0The Artofdefence Hyperguard Web Application Firewall (WAF) module before 2.5.5-11635, 3.0 before 3.0.3-11636, and 3.1 before 3.1.1-11637, a module for the Apache HTTP Server, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via an HTTP request with a large Content-Length value but no POST data.
CVE-2009-1956 6.4Off-by-one error in the apr_brigade_vprintf function in Apache APR-util before 1.3.5 on big-endian platforms allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information or cause a denial of service (application crash) via crafted input.
CVE-2009-1955 5.0The expat XML parser in the apr_xml_* interface in xml/apr_xml.c in Apache APR-util before 1.3.7, as used in the mod_dav and mod_dav_svn modules in the Apache HTTP Server, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a crafted XML document containing a large number of nested entity references, as demonstrated by a PROPFIND request, a similar issue to CVE-2003-1564.
CVE-2009-1891 7.1The mod_deflate module in Apache httpd 2.2.11 and earlier compresses large files until completion even after the associated network connection is closed, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption).
CVE-2009-1890 7.1The stream_reqbody_cl function in mod_proxy_http.c in the mod_proxy module in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.3.3, when a reverse proxy is configured, does not properly handle an amount of streamed data that exceeds the Content-Length value, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via crafted requests.
CVE-2009-1272 5.0The php_zip_make_relative_path function in php_zip.c in PHP 5.2.x before 5.2.9 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a ZIP file that contains filenames with relative paths, which is not properly handled during extraction.
CVE-2009-1271 5.0The JSON_parser function (ext/json/JSON_parser.c) in PHP 5.2.x before 5.2.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) via a malformed string to the json_decode API function.
CVE-2009-1195 4.9The Apache HTTP Server 2.2.11 and earlier 2.2 versions does not properly handle Options=IncludesNOEXEC in the AllowOverride directive, which allows local users to gain privileges by configuring (1) Options Includes, (2) Options +Includes, or (3) Options +IncludesNOEXEC in a .htaccess file, and then inserting an exec element in a .shtml file.
CVE-2009-0819 4.0sql/item_xmlfunc.cc in MySQL 5.1 before 5.1.32 and 6.0 before 6.0.10 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (crash) via "an XPath expression employing a scalar expression as a FilterExpr with ExtractValue() or UpdateXML()," which triggers an assertion failure.
CVE-2009-0796 2.6Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Status.pm in Apache::Status and Apache2::Status in mod_perl1 and mod_perl2 for the Apache HTTP Server, when /perl-status is accessible, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the URI.
CVE-2009-0023 4.3The apr_strmatch_precompile function in strmatch/apr_strmatch.c in Apache APR-util before 1.3.5 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) via crafted input involving (1) a .htaccess file used with the Apache HTTP Server, (2) the SVNMasterURI directive in the mod_dav_svn module in the Apache HTTP Server, (3) the mod_apreq2 module for the Apache HTTP Server, or (4) an application that uses the libapreq2 library, which triggers a heap-based buffer underflow.
CVE-2008-7068 6.4The dba_replace function in PHP 5.2.6 and 4.x allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (file truncation) via a key with the NULL byte. NOTE: this might only be a vulnerability in limited circumstances in which the attacker can modify or add database entries but does not have permissions to truncate the file.
CVE-2008-5814 2.6Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in PHP, possibly 5.2.7 and earlier, when display_errors is enabled, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors. NOTE: because of the lack of details, it is unclear whether this is related to CVE-2006-0208.
CVE-2008-5658 7.5Directory traversal vulnerability in the ZipArchive::extractTo function in PHP 5.2.6 and earlier allows context-dependent attackers to write arbitrary files via a ZIP file with a file whose name contains .. (dot dot) sequences.
CVE-2008-5625 7.5PHP 5 before 5.2.7 does not enforce the error_log safe_mode restrictions when safe_mode is enabled through a php_admin_flag setting in httpd.conf, which allows context-dependent attackers to write to arbitrary files by placing a "php_value error_log" entry in a .htaccess file.
CVE-2008-5624 7.5PHP 5 before 5.2.7 does not properly initialize the page_uid and page_gid global variables for use by the SAPI php_getuid function, which allows context-dependent attackers to bypass safe_mode restrictions via variable settings that are intended to be restricted to root, as demonstrated by a setting of /etc for the error_log variable.
CVE-2008-5557 10.0Heap-based buffer overflow in ext/mbstring/libmbfl/filters/mbfilter_htmlent.c in the mbstring extension in PHP 4.3.0 through 5.2.6 allows context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted string containing an HTML entity, which is not properly handled during Unicode conversion, related to the (1) mb_convert_encoding, (2) mb_check_encoding, (3) mb_convert_variables, and (4) mb_parse_str functions.
CVE-2008-5498 5.0Array index error in the imageRotate function in PHP 5.2.8 and earlier allows context-dependent attackers to read the contents of arbitrary memory locations via a crafted value of the third argument (aka the bgd_color or clrBack argument) for an indexed image.
CVE-2008-4109 5.0A certain Debian patch for OpenSSH before 4.3p2-9etch3 on etch; before 4.6p1-1 on sid and lenny; and on other distributions such as SUSE uses functions that are not async-signal-safe in the signal handler for login timeouts, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (connection slot exhaustion) via multiple login attempts. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incorrect fix for CVE-2006-5051.
CVE-2008-3844 9.3Certain Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4 and 5 packages for OpenSSH, as signed in August 2008 using a legitimate Red Hat GPG key, contain an externally introduced modification (Trojan Horse) that allows the package authors to have an unknown impact. NOTE: since the malicious packages were not distributed from any official Red Hat sources, the scope of this issue is restricted to users who may have obtained these packages through unofficial distribution points. As of 20080827, no unofficial distributions of this software are known.
CVE-2008-3660 5.0PHP 4.4.x before 4.4.9, and 5.x through 5.2.6, when used as a FastCGI module, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a request with multiple dots preceding the extension, as demonstrated using foo..php.
CVE-2008-3659 6.4Buffer overflow in the memnstr function in PHP 4.4.x before 4.4.9 and PHP 5.6 through 5.2.6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via the delimiter argument to the explode function. NOTE: the scope of this issue is limited since most applications would not use an attacker-controlled delimiter, but local attacks against safe_mode are feasible.
CVE-2008-3658 7.5Buffer overflow in the imageloadfont function in ext/gd/gd.c in PHP 4.4.x before 4.4.9 and PHP 5.2 before 5.2.6-r6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted font file.
CVE-2008-3259 1.2OpenSSH before 5.1 sets the SO_REUSEADDR socket option when the X11UseLocalhost configuration setting is disabled, which allows local users on some platforms to hijack the X11 forwarding port via a bind to a single IP address, as demonstrated on the HP-UX platform.
CVE-2008-2939 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in proxy_ftp.c in the mod_proxy_ftp module in Apache 2.0.63 and earlier, and mod_proxy_ftp.c in the mod_proxy_ftp module in Apache 2.2.9 and earlier 2.2 versions, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via a wildcard in the last directory component in the pathname in an FTP URI.
CVE-2008-2829 5.0php_imap.c in PHP 5.2.5, 5.2.6, 4.x, and other versions, uses obsolete API calls that allow context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a long IMAP request, which triggers an "rfc822.c legacy routine buffer overflow" error message, related to the rfc822_write_address function.
CVE-2008-2666 5.0Multiple directory traversal vulnerabilities in PHP 5.2.6 and earlier allow context-dependent attackers to bypass safe_mode restrictions by creating a subdirectory named http: and then placing ../ (dot dot slash) sequences in an http URL argument to the (1) chdir or (2) ftok function.
CVE-2008-2665 5.0Directory traversal vulnerability in the posix_access function in PHP 5.2.6 and earlier allows remote attackers to bypass safe_mode restrictions via a .. (dot dot) in an http URL, which results in the URL being canonicalized to a local filename after the safe_mode check has successfully run.
CVE-2008-2384 7.5SQL injection vulnerability in mod_auth_mysql.c in the mod-auth-mysql (aka libapache2-mod-auth-mysql) module for the Apache HTTP Server 2.x, when configured to use a multibyte character set that allows a \ (backslash) as part of the character encoding, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via unspecified inputs in a login request.
CVE-2008-2371 7.5Heap-based buffer overflow in pcre_compile.c in the Perl-Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) library 7.7 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a regular expression that begins with an option and contains multiple branches.
CVE-2008-2364 5.0The ap_proxy_http_process_response function in mod_proxy_http.c in the mod_proxy module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.0.63 and 2.2.8 does not limit the number of forwarded interim responses, which allows remote HTTP servers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a large number of interim responses.
CVE-2008-2168 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Apache 2.2.6 and earlier allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via UTF-7 encoded URLs that are not properly handled when displaying the 403 Forbidden error page.
CVE-2008-0456 2.6CRLF injection vulnerability in the mod_negotiation module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.6 and earlier in the 2.2.x series, 2.0.61 and earlier in the 2.0.x series, and 1.3.39 and earlier in the 1.3.x series allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary HTTP headers and conduct HTTP response splitting attacks by uploading a file with a multi-line name containing HTTP header sequences and a file extension, which leads to injection within a (1) "406 Not Acceptable" or (2) "300 Multiple Choices" HTTP response when the extension is omitted in a request for the file.
CVE-2008-0455 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the mod_negotiation module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.6 and earlier in the 2.2.x series, 2.0.61 and earlier in the 2.0.x series, and 1.3.39 and earlier in the 1.3.x series allows remote authenticated users to inject arbitrary web script or HTML by uploading a file with a name containing XSS sequences and a file extension, which leads to injection within a (1) "406 Not Acceptable" or (2) "300 Multiple Choices" HTTP response when the extension is omitted in a request for the file.
CVE-2008-0005 4.3mod_proxy_ftp in Apache 2.2.x before 2.2.7-dev, 2.0.x before 2.0.62-dev, and 1.3.x before 1.3.40-dev does not define a charset, which allows remote attackers to conduct cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks using UTF-7 encoding.
CVE-2007-6750 5.0The Apache HTTP Server 1.x and 2.x allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon outage) via partial HTTP requests, as demonstrated by Slowloris, related to the lack of the mod_reqtimeout module in versions before 2.2.15.
CVE-2007-6423 7.8Unspecified vulnerability in mod_proxy_balancer for Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x before 2.2.7-dev, when running on Windows, allows remote attackers to trigger memory corruption via a long URL. NOTE: the vendor could not reproduce this issue
CVE-2007-6422 4.0The balancer_handler function in mod_proxy_balancer in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.0 through 2.2.6, when a threaded Multi-Processing Module is used, allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (child process crash) via an invalid bb variable.
CVE-2007-6421 3.5Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in balancer-manager in mod_proxy_balancer in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.0 through 2.2.6 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) ss, (2) wr, or (3) rr parameters, or (4) the URL.
CVE-2007-6420 4.3Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in the balancer-manager in mod_proxy_balancer for Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x allows remote attackers to gain privileges via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2007-6388 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in mod_status in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.0 through 2.2.6, 2.0.35 through 2.0.61, and 1.3.2 through 1.3.39, when the server-status page is enabled, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2007-6203 4.3Apache HTTP Server 2.0.x and 2.2.x does not sanitize the HTTP Method specifier header from an HTTP request when it is reflected back in a "413 Request Entity Too Large" error message, which might allow cross-site scripting (XSS) style attacks using web client components that can send arbitrary headers in requests, as demonstrated via an HTTP request containing an invalid Content-length value, a similar issue to CVE-2006-3918.
CVE-2007-5925 4.0The convert_search_mode_to_innobase function in ha_innodb.cc in the InnoDB engine in MySQL 5.1.23-BK and earlier allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (database crash) via a certain CONTAINS operation on an indexed column, which triggers an assertion error.
CVE-2007-5000 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the (1) mod_imap module in the Apache HTTP Server 1.3.0 through 1.3.39 and 2.0.35 through 2.0.61 and the (2) mod_imagemap module in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.0 through 2.2.6 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors.
CVE-2007-4752 7.5ssh in OpenSSH before 4.7 does not properly handle when an untrusted cookie cannot be created and uses a trusted X11 cookie instead, which allows attackers to violate intended policy and gain privileges by causing an X client to be treated as trusted.
CVE-2007-4723 7.5Directory traversal vulnerability in Ragnarok Online Control Panel 4.3.4a, when the Apache HTTP Server is used, allows remote attackers to bypass authentication via directory traversal sequences in a URI that ends with the name of a publicly available page, as demonstrated by a "/...../" sequence and an account_manage.php/login.php final component for reaching the protected account_manage.php page.
CVE-2007-4465 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in mod_autoindex.c in the Apache HTTP Server before 2.2.6, when the charset on a server-generated page is not defined, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the P parameter using the UTF-7 charset. NOTE: it could be argued that this issue is due to a design limitation of browsers that attempt to perform automatic content type detection.
CVE-2007-3847 5.0The date handling code in modules/proxy/proxy_util.c (mod_proxy) in Apache 2.3.0, when using a threaded MPM, allows remote origin servers to cause a denial of service (caching forward proxy process crash) via crafted date headers that trigger a buffer over-read.
CVE-2007-3304 4.7Apache httpd 1.3.37, 2.0.59, and 2.2.4 with the Prefork MPM module, allows local users to cause a denial of service by modifying the worker_score and process_score arrays to reference an arbitrary process ID, which is sent a SIGUSR1 signal from the master process, aka "SIGUSR1 killer."
CVE-2007-3205 5.0The parse_str function in (1) PHP, (2) Hardened-PHP, and (3) Suhosin, when called without a second parameter, might allow remote attackers to overwrite arbitrary variables by specifying variable names and values in the string to be parsed. NOTE: it is not clear whether this is a design limitation of the function or a bug in PHP, although it is likely to be regarded as a bug in Hardened-PHP and Suhosin.
CVE-2007-2768 4.3OpenSSH, when using OPIE (One-Time Passwords in Everything) for PAM, allows remote attackers to determine the existence of certain user accounts, which displays a different response if the user account exists and is configured to use one-time passwords (OTP), a similar issue to CVE-2007-2243.
CVE-2007-2243 5.0OpenSSH 4.6 and earlier, when ChallengeResponseAuthentication is enabled, allows remote attackers to determine the existence of user accounts by attempting to authenticate via S/KEY, which displays a different response if the user account exists, a similar issue to CVE-2001-1483.
CVE-2007-1863 5.0cache_util.c in the mod_cache module in Apache HTTP Server (httpd), when caching is enabled and a threaded Multi-Processing Module (MPM) is used, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (child processing handler crash) via a request with the (1) s-maxage, (2) max-age, (3) min-fresh, or (4) max-stale Cache-Control headers without a value.
CVE-2007-1743 4.4suexec in Apache HTTP Server (httpd) 2.2.3 does not verify combinations of user and group IDs on the command line, which might allow local users to leverage other vulnerabilities to create arbitrary UID/GID owned files if /proc is mounted. NOTE: the researcher, who is reliable, claims that the vendor disputes the issue because "the attacks described rely on an insecure server configuration" in which the user "has write access to the document root." In addition, because this is dependent on other vulnerabilities, perhaps this is resultant and should not be included in CVE.
CVE-2007-1742 3.7suexec in Apache HTTP Server (httpd) 2.2.3 uses a partial comparison for verifying whether the current directory is within the document root, which might allow local users to perform unauthorized operations on incorrect directories, as demonstrated using "html_backup" and "htmleditor" under an "html" directory. NOTE: the researcher, who is reliable, claims that the vendor disputes the issue because "the attacks described rely on an insecure server configuration" in which the user "has write access to the document root."
CVE-2007-1741 6.2Multiple race conditions in suexec in Apache HTTP Server (httpd) 2.2.3 between directory and file validation, and their usage, allow local users to gain privileges and execute arbitrary code by renaming directories or performing symlink attacks. NOTE: the researcher, who is reliable, claims that the vendor disputes the issue because "the attacks described rely on an insecure server configuration" in which the user "has write access to the document root."
CVE-2007-1581 9.3The resource system in PHP 5.0.0 through 5.2.1 allows context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code by interrupting the hash_update_file function via a userspace (1) error or (2) stream handler, which can then be used to destroy and modify internal resources. NOTE: it was later reported that PHP 5.2 through 5.2.13 and 5.3 through 5.3.2 are also affected.
CVE-2006-7243 5.0PHP before 5.3.4 accepts the \0 character in a pathname, which might allow context-dependent attackers to bypass intended access restrictions by placing a safe file extension after this character, as demonstrated by .php\0.jpg at the end of the argument to the file_exists function.
CVE-2006-5794 7.5Unspecified vulnerability in the sshd Privilege Separation Monitor in OpenSSH before 4.5 causes weaker verification that authentication has been successful, which might allow attackers to bypass authentication. NOTE: as of 20061108, it is believed that this issue is only exploitable by leveraging vulnerabilities in the unprivileged process, which are not known to exist.
CVE-2006-5752 4.3Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in mod_status.c in the mod_status module in Apache HTTP Server (httpd), when ExtendedStatus is enabled and a public server-status page is used, allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via unspecified vectors involving charsets with browsers that perform "charset detection" when the content-type is not specified.
CVE-2006-5052 5.0Unspecified vulnerability in portable OpenSSH before 4.4, when running on some platforms, allows remote attackers to determine the validity of usernames via unknown vectors involving a GSSAPI "authentication abort."
CVE-2006-5051 9.3Signal handler race condition in OpenSSH before 4.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash), and possibly execute arbitrary code if GSSAPI authentication is enabled, via unspecified vectors that lead to a double-free.
CVE-2006-4924 7.8sshd in OpenSSH before 4.4, when using the version 1 SSH protocol, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (CPU consumption) via an SSH packet that contains duplicate blocks, which is not properly handled by the CRC compensation attack detector.
CVE-2006-4154 6.8Format string vulnerability in the mod_tcl module 1.0 for Apache 2.x allows context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code via format string specifiers that are not properly handled in a set_var function call in (1) tcl_cmds.c and (2) tcl_core.c.
CVE-2006-4110 4.3Apache 2.2.2, when running on Windows, allows remote attackers to read source code of CGI programs via a request that contains uppercase (or alternate case) characters that bypass the case-sensitive ScriptAlias directive, but allow access to the file on case-insensitive file systems.
CVE-2006-20001 A carefully crafted If: request header can cause a memory read, or write of a single zero byte, in a pool (heap) memory location beyond the header value sent. This could cause the process to crash. This issue affects Apache HTTP Server 2.4.54 and earlier.
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