Note: the device may not be impacted by all of these issues. The vulnerabilities are implied based on the software and version.
SSH-2.0-Cisco-1.25 Key type: ssh-rsa Key: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDMGv82VwXuiGeOIilHf9pwWmfjiZh4x923VDVI41S8Up64 fD49sJnU28fALlnlO6RudHvOZKWlA10D9APfgwapxsCWqTgBcXCp8JpBYILoqxDtBhetcFmlKcC3 FnQ4lReD6rjQZxOm6NU96HmORKIN98NAWjzp/lvjIT3gXulz3Q== Fingerprint: 54:98:f4:b8:bb:10:95:87:06:d1:c3:66:21:25:32:5d Kex Algorithms: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 Server Host Key Algorithms: ssh-rsa Encryption Algorithms: aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr MAC Algorithms: hmac-sha2-256 hmac-sha2-512 hmac-sha1 hmac-sha1-96 Compression Algorithms: none
NTP version: 4 processor: unknown system: UNIX leap: 3 stratum: 16 precision: -10 rootdelay: 0.000 rootdisp: 1096341.567 refid: INIT reftime: 0x00000000.00000000 clock: 0xEB4A64F9.5B22D1E0 peer: 0 tc: 3 mintc: 3 offset: 0.000 frequency: 0.000 sys_jitter: 0.000 clk_jitter: 0.976 clk_wander: 0.000
SNMP: Uptime: 3033264288 Description: Cisco IOS Software [Everest], Virtual XE Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.6.4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Sun 08-Jul-18 04:30 Service: 78 Versions: 1 3 Name: Engineid Format: mac Engine Boots: 12 Engineid Data: 52:54:00:ab:5a:69 Enterprise: 9 Objectid: Engine Time: 848 days, 4:11:37
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